Lance - Little One, You Are Stronger Than You Know

Start from the beginning


Lance squeezed his eyes closed and feigned sleep.

That's what he did when anyone came in, he didn't want to face anyone.

He knew he was being overdramatic.

He didn't find it in himself to care.

Lance listened as his friend walked into his room. Felt the moment that he sat down the edge of the mattress.

He didn't so much as move a finger.

He couldn't face Hunk like this, Dios, he didn't want to face anyone like this, this all just had to be a dream anyway, he had to be waking up any moment now, he would get out of bed and not have to rely on the handrails that Coran had installed next to his bed to help get him to the wheelchair Pidge had designed for him waiting patiently by his bed for him to finally sit in it for the first time since he needed it.

Because even though the chair was cool and could float him anywhere with the push of a button, Lance didn't want that.

He wanted to be whole again.

He wanted to walk.

"Lance, I know these past few weeks have been rough on you, they've been rough on all of us but-" a sniff. "We all would like to see you. Not just in your room when you're pretending to sleep for the sake of not seeing us-"

Lance's mouth twitched.

"I miss seeing my best friend, we all do. I'll even make those garlic knots you like so much if you would just come down for dinner," he added, and Lance knew his best friend was just trying to stir some reaction from him. But Lance was faced away, staring at the wall, and he didn't want to admit to missing all of them too.

He didn't want to feel weaker than he already felt.

But he already felt that crushing weakness grab ahold and swallow him whole when he thought again of the fact that he couldn't even wiggle his big toe without breaking down into a mess, and then Lance's eyes squeezed shut tighter as tears threatened to take him.

Why was he so worthless?

"Lance?" There was a gentle hand on his shoulder, "Hermano? Can you hear me?"

He didn't make a sound.

Hunk sighed and got up, the sound of his bedroom door swishing closed a minute later told him that he could finally open his eyes.

And cry again, he did.


Another week went by, Lance didn't talk to anyone.

He ate only when his stomach begged him to.

Slept only when he reached exhaustion.

And no matter how many times his team or Shiro or Coran came into his room and just talked, hoping he would acknowledge them, he didn't stir, didn't open his eyes.

He wanted to at times, Dios he did, but he also knew he weak now and that they would see it too and Lance wasn't sure if he could face that.

At least not now.

He startled as a knock sounded at his door, "Lance? Hermano? You awake?"

Hunk, Lance realized, and for a moment, he resisted the urge to hide his head under the covers. Hunk was his best friend after all wouldn't-

He swallowed, -wouldn't he understand?

No, the decision came not a moment too soon, and Lance pulled his blankets over his head just in time for the yellow paladin to open the door.

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