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The next day, when you woke up from your long slumber, the first thing that you notice around you was a blank canvas wall. You quickly notice that you aren't in your own apartment but in a school's infirmary. You tried to get up but your body feels a bit too heavy and quite weak at the moment. 

You weren't surprised that you found yourself like this because you know you've been overworking yourself to this extreme but what really surprises you was that you found Jungkook currently asleep by the table besides your bed. 

Was he really by your side this whole time you passed out? 

Strange, you thought. But somehow, you felt a little happy knowing that someone would look after you for the night. You felt like you were being cared for again. 

The second the sun hits through the window and directly at Jungkook's eyes, he immediately woke up. Of course, he didn't care  about how bright the sun is and how it ruins his sleep because the only thing that worries him was you.

"(Y/n), you're finally awake!" He cheered as soon as he notices you and you smiled because of how happy he is to see you. "How are you feeling right now?" 

"I'm fine now, thank you for helping me Jungkook" 

"Anytime (y/n), I'm so glad to hear that" He smiled softly at you. "Ah, I'll go and get the nurse to check up on you, I'll be right back" 

"Thanks Jungkook" 

After he left, someone else came very early in the morning to see you. 

"Hey (y/n), how are you feeling right now?" 

"Oh Namjoon, I'm okay now, thank you so much for your help" 

"Glad to hear that, and you're welcome (y/n)" He said. "Anyways, I brought you breakfast.. didn't know suits your taste or if you can eat before the check up but uh.. I just realized after I bought it" 

He laughed a little as he speaks and you couldn't help but to laugh along with him too. "That's really fine Namjoon.. I really can't thank you enough" 

Minutes later, Jungkook came back with the nurse who checks up on you yesterday and he and Namjoon leave the room to give you and the nurse some space. 

"Alright (y/n), it seems like you're back to normal now" the nurse said. "But make sure to take good care of yourself okay? Sometimes a lot of a work can be a burden but you should also know that you need to be in a good state in order to deal with it" 

You smiled at her and replied, "Thank you so much nurse, I'll make sure to keep that in mind"

"You're welcome (y/n)"

While you were getting ready in the room, Jungkook and Namjoon waited patiently outside. Usually, on weekends like this, they would be sleeping until pass 9 am but because it's you who they were very worried about, they know it themselves that they could not just sleep peacefully at all. And so, here they are. 

After leaving, the three of you decided to have breakfast at a nearby restaurant first before taking you home. You don't really feel like eating yet, maybe it's because it's early in the morning but still, because it's for them, you can't just not eat. 

Namjoon and Jungkook ordered a full feast breakfast while you ordered chicken porridge just because you didn't completely heal yet. It looks to you they didn't have anything to eat since last night, probably because they were busy looking after you and now you feel really bad. But you won't ruin their moment by suddenly apologizing out of the blue.

When you feet came in contact with the cold tile of your own apartment, you felt nothing but peace and quietness. You took a deep breathe and surround yourself with your own comfort zone. It was nice, you thought; since you haven't been home for the past few days due to the preparation for the play at the school's event. 

As you dropped yourself onto your soft mattress, you couldn't help but to think of Jungkook. Really, what is it about that guy that makes you feel so... weird inside? But no, you can't jump into any conclusions, you can't trust anyone yet. 

But really, you are just so grateful for everything that he has done for you. Thinking about all of those things, it just puts a big smile onto your lips. 

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