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You really want to skip today's English class but you know that it's not possible, at least not yet. One, it's only your second day of class and you already have the thought to ditch it. Two, just because someone doesn't want to be your friend doesn't mean you shouldn't attend class; it has nothing to do with your study and it would be very stupid to skip class just because of that.
So of course, in the end, you chose not to skip class and you know you made the right decision. Such a small incident shouldn't even hurt your feelings, right?

When you walked in, your eyes landed on nowhere other than the table that you sat at yesterday and boy, were you glad that it's still empty. As you walk pass the front table, you notice familiar faces sitting together at the second row. It was the girl whom you accidentally spilled her coffee on her yesterday and her two other friends.

Many thoughts rushed to your mind and the only thing that you could conclude is that, they don't want to sit near you anymore because of what happened yesterday. And judging by the looks on their face the second they see you, you can already figure out that they really dislike you.

But you don't blame them for not liking you either. If you hadn't spilled coffee on her favorite white shirt, maybe she would actually consider being friends with you. But no, you just had to ruin it.

You decided to sit at the same table from yesterday, perhaps, for the rest of the term since you have no friends nor partners and while you were preparing your materials for class, you heard whisperings from around you. Some voices were hard to listen to but some were quite clear.

'She's that new girl who spilled coffee on that girl over there yesterday'

'Those girls changed table now, I wonder if they have had arguments after that'

'I would be so embarrassed honestly'

Your eyes fell at that. It was embarrassing, yes, you have to admit that it is but the fact that everyone was gossiping about it really disheartened you. Maybe you should have skipped today's class after all.

Just then, the teacher came. You took a deep breath and cleared out those negative thoughts before focusing on the lessons.

"Okay everyone, now I'd like for you all to talk to someone near you about what these words means and provide some examples for each one as well and after you're done, answer the three questions below the exercise as well" The teacher explained. "You've all got 20 minutes for this task"

After the instruction, everyone partnered up with their seat mate and they started the discussion right away. Everyone got a pair of their own but you, you got none. There are two other people sitting at the same table as you too but they only talk to each other, thus, leaving you all on your own.

You don't know why but you feel... embarrassed. You just feel so lonely to the point where you feel embarrassed for not having someone to talk to like others. You feel stuck and pressured in this moment; how can you get out of this situation?

You take a full minute to calm yourself down and think about positive things. 'Doing works alone is fine, doing works alone is fine..' you keep telling yourself. You took a deep breath once again and begin doing the task.

But your mind and your hand won't cooperate. You feel like puking all of a sudden.

"Hi, do you mind if I sit here too?"

Your mind washed everything away to only focus on this new voice. You look up from your notebook to the person who is talking to you and you were very, very surprised to see who it is.

'Kim Namjoon..?' You thought as you try to comprehend if this person is really talking to you.

It felt unreal. Are you dreaming? Because this guy is smiling at you right now and you wonder if it's just your imagination. You didn't reply to his question though because you were still in shock. Even other people begin moving their attention from their task, to you and Namjoon instead.

"Um.. hi?" He waved at you to get your attention.

"Yeah hi uh I'm sorry what- what were you saying?"  You asked him just to make sure what you heard him said earlier is right or not.

"I uh was asking if I can sit here next to you?"

'Oh.. so it is not a dream'

It took you a few seconds to be able to answer him.

"Yeah sure.. sure" you replied as you scoot over a little to the side.

"Thank you" he said; his smile still didn't leave his lips yet.

"Namjoon what are you-" one of his friends at the back seat just behind yours called him.

"Heesung, you got Nick already, I need a partner too" Namjoon responded back to him with a small giggle.

"Is it okay if we do this task together?" He asks you just to make sure you're comfortable with it.

"Uh.. of course of course"

"I'm really sorry about my friend back there"

"No no it's really okay"

Namjoon gave you a slight nod and continued, "uh.. my name is Namjoon I'm pretty sure you already heard my friend calling me so.. what's your name?"

"Ah my name is (f/n) (y/n).. it's really nice to meet you Namjoon" You gave him a small smile as you introduced yourself.

"It's nice to meet you too (y/n)"

You and Namjoon got to know each other with a small chit-chat that took up almost 10 minutes of the time before you both finally realized there's an assigned task given by the teacher that you and him need to complete together.

You were quite relieved and glad that there's someone who would actually risk their time and energy to be your partner so that you wouldn't be left alone in this classroom. You know that he might be doing this out of pity but still, you are grateful for his kindness towards you. It at least made you feel like you still have a friend to talk to and to work with even if it's only just for this short moment.

You look over to his side but you didn't make it obvious or noticeable and you smiled a little whilst also thinking to yourself, 'thank you Namjoon'

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