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"Um... do I know you?"

Jungkook snapped out of his own thought the minute you ask him this question. Of course, who wouldn't be?

"Uh.. no- no uh.. we don't know each other" Jungkook tried to laugh it off.

"Weird.. but uh you sound like you know me" You said with your brows still narrowed in confusion.

"Oh yeah uh.. I just saw you around campus often so yeah that's why"

"Ah.. I see I see" you nodded. "Well uh, thank you for bringing in these boxes, I'm really sorry if it's quite heavy"

"No it's totally fine" Jungkook said with a small smile forming on his lips. "Um, are you.. a volunteer for Mrs. Kim theatre setup?"

"Yes I am, and also a volunteer for the whole event monitoring too" You laughed a little and he did so too.

An idea came to Jungkook's mind right after he finds out you're one of the volunteers for this upcoming Halloween event.

"Oh uh.. I'm sorry what's your name?" Jungkook asks you.

"My name is (f/n)(y/n), what's yours?"

"My name is Jeon Jungkook, but you can call me Jungkook for short"

"You can call me (y/n) for short too"

"Okay um, (y/n), is there another available spot for me to sign up as a volunteer too?"

"Of course there is, you can actually sign up right now though. Mrs. Kim has the paper and everything here in this office already"

"Oh okay, that's easy. Thank you (y/n)" Jungkook gave you a small smile and you returned him with one too.

Right after Jungkook finished signing up, Mrs. Kim came with in with almost a huge pile of papers; random papers that is. When Mrs. Kim heard that Jungkook has now become a part of the volunteers too, she was quite surprised because she remembered the first time she ask him if he is interested in this work, he immediately refused. Mrs. Kim was about to ask him why he changed his mind all of a sudden but he cut her right off and changed the subject right before she could even continue. And just like that, Mrs. Kim already know his real intention of why he suddenly want to work as a volunteer too.

"Well then, I'll have your name printed on the card by tomorrow. Are you really sure you wanted to work on this event?" Mrs. Kim wanted to confirm with him again just to make sure if her instinct is right.

"Of course Mrs. Kim. I'm pretty excited about this kind of work" Jungkook replied with a big smile on his lips.

"Really? You like this kind of work too?" You asked him.

"Yeah, totally. I love organizing for events" Jungkook said; it was a lie obviously. He hates meeting new people but he's only doing this just because he wanted to get to know you more.

Mrs. Kim smirks as she notice the way Jungkook looks at you. She is a hundred percent sure this time that her instinct is definitely right.

"Alright fine, I'll make sure you have your name badge and shirt done by tomorrow, if not by this Saturday"

"Thank you Mrs. Kim"

"In the meantime... why don't you help (y/n) sort out these schedules then? There's a lot more coming in later"

"Sure thing Mrs. Kim"

"Great, you both keep on working. I'll go and find the rest at the main office"

After Mrs. Kim leave the room, you gave some of the piled up schedules to Jungkook and explained to him what he should do with these papers.

While you both were rearranging and doing double checks on the time table, you and him chatted about various things related to a few details on both of yours and his background information, which major you two are in, which class, what time, why did you decided to study here, and many more. You must say, you felt a lot more comfortable within his presence even though you've just met him, more than you were with Namjoon. But of course, you can't jump into conclusions quickly. You must observe and be well aware with the people around you.

"Well I guess I should go home now. Thank you for your help Jungkook"

"You're welcome (y/n). Oh uh why don't we go to the parking lot together? I'm going there too now"

"Ah actually, I don't ride any vehicles other than the bus. My apartment is quite close to here so the bus takes me there faster"

"I see,.. so then.. Let me walk you to the bus stop"

"Oh Jungkook it's totally fine, you don't have-"

"I insist" he waved his hand around. "It's quite dark now so, let me take you there"

You know he's doing this just to make sure you're safe but the point is, the campus and the bus stop in front of the entrance are really crowded at this hour so you can actually go there by yourself.

"O-okay.." was all you could say.

As you and Jungkook were walking to the bus stop, you both chatted about a few things and then, it came to asking each other for the social media accounts and exchanging phone numbers.

"Is it alright if I add your Facebook? I want to make sure I can contact you for the work"

"Ah yes sure but I don't really use Facebook that much, would Instagram be okay?"

"Yes of course"

Thus, you gave him your account and he gave you his. You both followed each other right away.

"Thank you so much (y/n)" Jungkook said.

"Thank you too Jungkook" you replied. "Well, my bus is here, I'll see you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow (y/n)" he waved at you and you did the same back.

The second Jungkook hit the bed, he closed his eyes and replayed the things that happened today when he met you coincidentally. He was still in disbelief that fate really brought you and him to meeting each other like this. He was happy that you and him were able to talk to one another without feeling awkward or anything, but he still has to be careful with the person he's meeting for the first time too. He didn't want to have to go through any trauma again so he has to make sure he knows his boundaries.

"But damn.. she's just so.. how can I describe this..? She's just so charming.."

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