Chapter 105: Ichigo vs. Dalk! Kuroki vs. Mitsuo! Appearance of the Faded Dark

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Kuroki's pov

"Kuro, what are you doing here?" He slightly turned his head to face me, as we stood back to back. "I thought you needed a hand considering you went off of your own. So I wanted to help out seems I was right about you needing back up." I stated, looking at him with smirk. "Yeah, these things have been no joke. Every time I cut a few down more show up." I sighed, knowing that he must have had a hard time dealing with these things. I looked back at the dolls, positioning Yuki comfortablely in front of me. "Where's your brother and Rukia?" He asked as I felt him shift his weight behind me, "They went into the other side of town. Most of all the dolls sighting were around there." I explained, "I don't think so!" I cut down several dolls that made their way towards Renji and I. I was not about to let those damn things overwhelm us quickly, they may have the numbers to do so but we both have will power and determination to stop them.

Elsewhere, Rukia and Ichigo both feel Renji's reiatsu disappear and start to worry as they can't pick up on Kuroki's reiatsu. Before they could do anything about it, they encounter Jinta and Ururu. They explain that Kisuke had created a new bount sensors which makes Ichigo skeptical since what it was a headband. This headband was the same one that he had to use during his training session with Kisuke, and the only way to activate it was by shouting the same words he had to say back then. Despite this fact and knowing Kuroki would have cracked up because of the stupidity in the words, he takes a deep breathe. "Take the power of Justice! The Armor and Headband of Justice! Protect yourself!" Ichigo shouted making Rukia look at him like he's crazy, causing the two to argue. But while the two are arguing Ichigo starts moving in another direction, Jinta tells him that he will find a bount that way while Rukia goes off to find Renji.

30 minutes later....

I felt Renji's reiatsu disappear and swung down, trying to get through the horde of dolls to find Renji and not being able to feel his reiatsu made me panic a bit inside. "God Damnit!! Get out of my way!" I was pushed down the block so I wasn't able to see him at all. I kept cutting down dolls from every angle but more would only show while a lot of them from Renji's side, I still couldn't see past the vast amount of dolls around me. For some reason, it felt like they were purposely trying to keep my away from Renji but I didn't really think that they would have this goal in mind. Finally getting fed up, I stopped cutting them down and managed to duck my way out of the small horde while others flew off. "Tsumetai shimo!!" A lot more were destroyed but before I could walk any further than I did, they swarmed me again. It felt as if someone was controlling them, like they were purposely trying to keep me away from Renji.

"Kuro, I don't like this one bit. These dolls... Something about them feels off." Yuki stated as I cut down some that were trying get away, I wasn't going to let more of those things harm people in town. "I get what you mean Yuki... As soon as I made a move towards Renji, they tried to block me from him. I think they're trying to keep me away from him. I have a feeling someone is behind this." I looked around and cut down several more that were trying to escape.

"Kori Ame!!" A large section of them had been destroyed as I finally got free while several of them tried to get away. I rushed towards Renji's area seeing that he had collapsed and that the dolls he had been fighting had all flown off. I got a gut feeling that something was about to happen and kept my guard up while I rushed over to Renji, I needed to know if he was okay. Just as I got closer to him a large ball of kido flew my way and I jumped back avoiding the blast, it hit the building behind me and I instantly looked up to see nothing. But from the reiatsu and the way the kido blast was prepared I knew that it had to be Mitsuo, damn that bount. I knew he was going to show up, I looked around the area still not being able to see him and spotted long hair as it moved to my left. "Found you," I stated more to myself, "Hado #31 Shakkaho!" I shot to my left and flipped backwards dodging another kido blast he had thrown just as I had attacked him. I guess my kido blast hit Mitsuo because I could hear a sharp intake of breath and then he came out of hiding.

He landed on his feet in front of me and I stood in front of an unconscious Renji, I made sure to keep an eye on him in case he woke up while I was fighting Mitsuo. From around the area, I could feel Rui's spiritual pressure farther away but he must have been fighting a bount. "You should really keep your eyes on your opponent." I shifted my eyes back to Mitsuo's spot only to see that he had moved somewhere else, I suddenly picked up movement from my right but didn't move fast enough and was hit with a large kido blast. I flew backwards crashing into a nearby tree and bounced off hitting the ground, the tree tipped over but I luckily moved out of the way as the tree fell down. I pushed myself to my feet, grabbing Yuki and charged at Mitsuo. He pulled out his sword and the two of us carried on, destroying trees and parts of buildings as we clashed swords. "I see that your boyfriend couldn't handle the dolls well." I growled at him, "Shutup, you bastard. I don't understand what you guys don't get about not using innocent humans as your food." I slid into place as he smirked, "I mean.... The humans don't always need to live." I growled at him, "You bastard!" I lifted Yuki's blade and swung down creating a large icy blast of kido and air that hit Mitsuo. But this didn't stop him, he moved his index and middle finger and chanted something. The next thing I know, a large glob grabbed my leg and smacked me into the nearby wall but I didn't let that stop me. I got right back up despite the pain and dug Yuki's blade into the glob, making it cry out in pain as I used Yuki's ice to get myself free.

In no time both of us had moved farther away from the buildings and people, ending up in an open field where I was able to finally let out a lot more of my reiatsu to fight him. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" I swung my sword down and just as I released twelve shots of ice at Mitsuo, I felt Ichigo's reiatsu change and then I felt it. In the pit of my stomach I could feel that he wasn't himself, I looked in the direction it came from and stopped fighting. "Ichigo, please..... Don't tell me you let him show himself....." I was brought out of my daze when a kido blast whizzed past my head, making me jump and I turned my attention back to Mitsuo, becoming very angry.

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