Chapter 10: Assualt on Trip at Sacred Ground

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Kuroki's pov

I woke up the next morning and watched the latest episode of Don Kanonji's show. It's a somewhat good show, but he does this really annoying thing where he crosses his arms over his shoulders, yelling, "Bwahahaha". I really found it annoying, but what I like about the show is that our whole family bonds over it. I had my earbuds listening to music on my way walking to school, I was all about taking it slow today. As I walked onto school grounds, I ran into Ishihara.

"Hey Ishihara." I greeted, "Hey Kuro... I just wanted to say that you have been a really good friend to me all these years. I'm sorry I ran off after telling you something that important." He apologized, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's okay, I just wasn't expecting it. I never expected that." I shrugged, looking up at him. "I'm sorry." He apologized, but I only shook my head and smiled. "Like I said, Ishi... It's okay... I have to go." I ran off to class bumping into Keigo, who seemed really worried about me. I saw Orihime do the Don kanonji thing and Ichigo's reaction was kinda funny, he seemed very startled and he didn't seem to know what it was from. "Drop-in," Ichigo muttered, making Orihime overly excited as I walked over to the two. "It's such a great show you two should come watch it with me!" Orihime shouted, while Tatsuki held her arms over her head. 

"Calm down, Orihime." Tatsuki sighed.

Orihime looked at Tatsuki, before letting her push her away from us and told her that she would watch it with her instead.

As they leave, Ichigo still stands there confused by what just happened and I smile. "Good Lord, Ichigo. You still don't know what's going on?" I giggled, making him look down at me, he looked somewhat annoyed that I was amused at the situation. We stand by the door and I hear Keigo calling us so we turn around only to have Chad, Keigo and Mizuiro greet us the same way Orihime did and I smiled. Chad did the same thing, he just didn't do the "bwahaha" part that Keigo and Mizuiro did. Ichigo still seemed very confused, which only made it funnier.

After a while, Ichigo and I stood by the window and Keigo came over. "I want to know, why you guys aren't going to the show?" Keigo asked, making me look at him. "The show is the most popular show in japan, you guys have to come with us since it is coming to Karakura Town to be shot live, for if a resident of the town not to go to such a special event, they might as well be dead." He said, trying to plead Ichigo into coming.

"Well, I'm fine with being a zombie." Ichigo said, motioning for Keigo to go away. "Well, you two have to go because I invited Rukia to go." Keigo said and just as he said that, Rukia appeared. "Ruki!!!" I ran up to her and gave her a hug, she seemed a little startled but she hugged me back. Keigo then asks Rukia to imitate him doing the "bwahaha" and I let go of her. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't. I would be to embarrassed to do it." She refused, but Keigo kept insisting that Rukia do it. I make a mental note that Rukia has so many personalities she can use, it's crazy.


Ichigo and I found ourselves in a huge crowd at the site of where Don Kanonji was filming his show, it was overcrowded and I hated it. I looked at the stage where Don Kanonji was standing, he was holding a mic. 

"How y'all feeling tonight?!!! Tonight, I will allow all of you to hear the whispers of the spirits." Don said and I smacked my forehead, knowing just how stupid this was. I had to admit that Don was a big idiot, most of the episodes in his show proved that.

"Idiot." I muttered, shaking my head. A reporter ended up on stage, "Don, what do you think of our location?" The reporter asked, holding the mic out to Don. "My nose is filled with stench of horrible spirits." This in turn made the crowd shout, "Smells like bad spirits!" Which was followed up with Don doing his famous, "bwahaha" and the crowd did the same thing. Smoke covered the stage and they announced it was going to a commercial break. I jumped on Ichigo's back and he really didn't mind that I was on his back, I usually did this. People came out and directed us to where the exorcism was taking place, Orihime appeared by our side. 

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