Chapter 96: Old Friends and memories of an eternally living clan!

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Kuroki's pov

I rolled over in my bed and curled under the comforter of my bed before yawning loudly, for some odd reason I didn't hear the alarm ring. So I rolled onto my right which faced away from the wall and yawned again before slowly opening my eyes, but what I didn't expect was to see my best friend in my bed staring straight at me.

"Why are you in my bed?!!!" I kicked him in stomach really hard, causing him to fly off the bed and hit the wall next to the closet. "What was that?" Ichigo shot up from his bed and looked around, before his eyes landed on me. "Did you destroy the alarm clock again?" He scrunched up his face which annoyed me, "No, I didn't. I didn't even hear the alarm go off." I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall. "Then what was it?" Ichigo looked over towards the closet, when he saw Ishihara slightly unconscious against the wall near the closet.

"Why is he here?" Ichigo asked and I shook my head. "I turned over because I didn't hear the alarm go off, so I opened my eyes and saw Ishihara laying on my bed. So I screamed and kicked him off of the bed and he hit the wall. That was the loud thud you heard, but I'm not sure why he is in here in the first place." I leaned forward, as Mari came crawling from under the bed. "Mari, why were you hiding under the bed?" Ichigo turned his head to her, "Ishihara scared the crap out of me so I hid." I put my head in my hands and sighed, at the sheer stupidity of both Ishihara and Mari. "Anyways, why the hell were you in my sister's bed? How the hell did you even get in here?!!" Ichigo picked Ishihara by the collar and I sighed, "I came in here cause I wanted to take Kuro to see our friends. They came from America to come see us and you." My eyes widened, as they shifted over to him.

"Ishihara, have you told them about us? Or Rukia? Or anything that we've told you?" I sat forward on the bed as Ichigo looked back at me, "No, I promise. I didn't tell them anything. I swear!" He pleaded, "Alright. Let's just go see them." We got ready and headed to Kisuke's since we were meeting them there but we also had to discuss what to do about Uryu. He had disappeared and we had already tried to look for him. "Do you think Uryu will be alright?" Orihime looked over to me as we were sitting outside on the front steps in front of Kisuke's shop, "If anything I have a feeling he's safe right now. Wherever he wandered off to." Ichigo looked up at the sky and I agreed with him. "I have a feeling he's with Yoshino. I mean he did seem to care a lot about her." I crossed my arms and looked to Orihime and Renji. "You're right. He could have wondered off and found Yoshino. But why would he do that?" Orihime held her chin and looked up, as Orihime let out a loud squeal of joy. So I turned my head to see my three friends that had been with us since middle school, they were in our group before Toshihiro moved and the twins moved away. They started freshman year with us, but then their mother and father split up and the father gained custody of them.

"Oh my gosh!!! Kuro!!!" Sarah ran towards me and tackled me in a large hug and I smiled, hugging her back.


Uryu had collapsed on the street where Mitsuo had seen him. "Mitsuo, don't even think about it. You need to stay away from this boy." Yoshino picked up Uryu and slung his arm around her neck. She walked past Mitsuo and stopped to look back at him, "Can I ask you a question, Mitsuo?" Mitsuo looked over to her, making eye contact with her. "What Yoshino?" He turned half of his body towards her, "Why do you like that Kurosaki sibling so much? The female. What is it about her that you find so interesting?" Mitsuo sighed and looked away up at the sky, "Is it because she reminds you of her?" She asked and Mitsuo chuckled, as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Yes. She does, but she lacks in the small things Sayuri had." He walked off, leaving Uryu and Yoshino alone. So she takes him to her apartment and treats him. "Can I ask you a question?" Uryu looked over at Yoshino, who had been staring out of one of the windows. "What is it?" Yoshino turned to face him, "Why are you helping me? And who is this Sayuri person?" Uryu asked and Yoshino sighed, "I guess it's because of the look in your eyes. And about Sayuri... She was a dear friend of ours back when I was younger but she was killed. Mitsuo and Sayuri were deeply in love with each other." She explained to him, "Is it because you pity me?" Yoshino shook her head at his question, "No. When I was younger, I would have done it for that reason. But as I lived on, I gained more experience. The longer I lived, the more my heart became jaded." Yoshino took a seat on the chair across from Uryu. After explaining some more things, Uryu was staring to realize something. "Why don't you live with the other bounts?" Uryu asked, "I used to believe that but that was a long time ago, Uryu." She shook her head and looked away.

Back in the soul society, Yachiru and the others of the squad learned that a former member of the squad named Maki Ichinose has finally been located in Karakura town. "Do you know why he's there?" Kenpachi asked Ikkaku, who shook his head. "No, we have no idea why he's there." Ikkaku said so Kenpachi told them to just leave him be. Kenpachi thought back to when he took over as acting captain, when Ichinose had tried to kill him but was restrained by his own members. As a result, he told Kenpachi and Yachiru that he was leaving the squad due to his loyalty to his former captain. Back at the bounts mansion, Ryo spotted Ichinose and Mitsuo. "Mitsuo, can I talk to you for a moment?" Kariya asked so he stood up and followed him out of the room. "What Kariya?" Mitsuo leaned on the wall closest to him, "Why do you keep targeting that Kurosaki twin? The girl named Kuroki. Is it because she reminds you of Sayuri?" Jin asked, putting his hands in his pockets. "Seems like you and Yoshino have figured it out." Mitsuo walked off from Kariya, who sighed.

"When I was younger, I noticed that I was different from everyone else which made me stand out. I tried to hide it, but I noticed that the people around me grew old and died, while I didn't. Which resulted in the people hating me and they even tried to kill me. But me not knowing what was happening or why, I tried to kill myself. But that's when Kariya saved me. He told me to come with him and that he would show me a reason to live which in the end, had us get married. But over time, I realized that my love for Kariya was fading. The more I thought about, the more I realized that Kariya didn't really love me. He only wanted to manipulate me and the others because he wants to get into Hueco Mundo and became a King of a new world where he reigns. I decided that I could never forgive him and that I will kill him." Uryu knew that Yoshino couldn't beat him on her own and she turns his statement back on him, stating that he even though he doesn't have his powers he has them somewhere deep down.

"Even though I don't have any powers, I will still help you." Uryu pledged. Outside of the apartment, Koga reveals that he has discovered their location.

Back at Urahara shop....

Yoshio and Kei were laying on the ground laughing at Ichigo and Renji, while I was slowly losing my temper. I couldn't stand when they argued, "Wow, who knew Ichigo could argue this long?" Kei laughed, making smack him over the back of the head. I stood up from my seat and stormed over to Renji and Ichigo, "Guys..... Guys.....GUYS!!!" I shouted, making them snap their heads to me. "WHAT?!!" They both shouted but this only pissed me off, as I hit the both of them over the back of the head before sitting them down.

"Wow, Kuro. When did you become so strong?! The little person I used to know was so sweet and adorable. She never hit people." Yoshio stated, which made Renji chuckle. "This little spitfire is an amazing girl. She may have a temper, but I think it's a cute side to her." Renji ruffled my hair with a chuckle and I started blushing beet red. "Awwww, she's blushing!" Kei shouted, making me yell at them which caused Orihime and Yoshio laugh.

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