Chapter 33: Miracle! The mysterious New Hero

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3rd person's pov

Karin and Yuzu Kurosaki began to notice the strange things happening in karakura town, "Must be hollows." Karin thought and suddenly a cat falls onto Yuzu. Out of the blue, a hollow appearance and tries to attack them, but Karin manages to ward it off. "This cat reminds me of Ichigo." Yuzu turned her head to Karin, "There's something strange about this cat. I don't like the feeling, I'm getting from it. If Kuro were here, she probably wouldn't trust the cat either." Karin and Yuzu think to themselves.

At the Urahara shop, Jinta says that nobody will come to the shop and another hollow appears. "I got it." Ururu destroys the hollow, "More of these things have been showing up since Ichigo and Kuroki left." Jinta notes and decides to eavesdrop on Kisuke. "Have I been getting enough exercise today?" He asked Tessai, "You should use this product." While they're distracted, Ururu and Jinta leave the shop.

"I'm going to name you, Raku." Yuzu smiled, holding the small cat up. As they walk back to the clinic, they find a pink car in front of their home. "Huh? I wonder who it is." Karin and Yuzu walk forward and Don Kanoji suddenly emerges from the car, with Ishihara by his side.

"You are Ichigo and Kuroki's sisters, aren't you?" Don asked, "Yeah, why?" Karin asked, "Well they're both my number one students." Don said, "Really? That's amazing!" Yuzu smiled, "If I know Kuroki well, that's much like a demotion to her. I think it's a demotion too." Ishihara spoke, drooping over a little.

He was tired of hanging with Don but with the twins, Seiji and Kuroki disappearing he didn't have anyone to hang out with and keep him company. "Well, they both aren't here right now. They went on some trip with their friends." Karin said as Yuzu notices another hollow, it evades all of Don's attacks and Ishihara realizes that he can see hollows.

"What is that thing?" Ishihara wasn't as hyper as he usually was, because being with Don this entire time had tired him out. "I think it's a hollow." Karin stated looking up at Ishihara, but as Don was fighting a hollow grabs onto him. "Oh no! They kidnapped Don Kanoji!!" Yuzu cried, making both Karin and Ishihara turn their attention to Yuzu. "Oh great, that dumb idiot got himself caught by a hollow." Ishihara sighed as Don is saved by Jinta, the hollow drops Don and sets its sights on Jinta. Having the attention drawn away from him, Don runs away after his moment of glory. 

"So, just who are you two kids and how do you know Kuro and her brother?" Ishihara asked Jinta and Ururu, who had turned to face the small group.

"I'm Jinta and this Ururu. Who are you?" Jinta asked, "I'm Karin and this my sister Yuzu. This Ishihara, my older sister Kuroki's best friend." Jinta eyes widened at Karin's words, "So your Ichigo and Kuroki's little sisters?" She nods at his question and Jinta sighs. "Those hollows are coming after the cat." Ururu said, looking to Yuzu. "What do you mean their coming after Raku?" Yuzu asked, looking down at the cat she was holding.

"I'm so amazed that I have to met such gifted young children." Don yelled, "Will you shutup already?!!!" Ishihara punched Don in the face and Don hit the ground with a thud.

"Whoa, never have I seen you so mad before." Karin said, "Well, when you've spent the whole day with the guy you tend to get fed up." Ishihara sighed, "Why don't I train you all?" Don suggested at which all of them come up with reasons to say no politely.

"The hollows will keep coming after the cat unless we put his soul to rest." Ururu turns the attention to Yuzu, "Do you know somebody that could help us do that?" Ishihara asked, crossing his arms. "Yeah, follow us." Jinta and Ururu lead them all to Uruhara shop but when they get there, they see a note on the door.

"He went to lunch?! Oh, that's just great." Ishihara groaned and that's when more hollows start to appear. Ururu pulls both Ishihara and Yuzu away, helping them escape the hollows.

As they finally get away don gets into his star outfit, "What the hell are you wearing?" Ishihara had a disturbed look on his face as he looked at Don, who proudly wore his outfit. "You guys are all gonna help me fight the hollows." He yelled, "You will all be on a TV show and will get to be the main character 'red'." Don said, "I'm red." Jinta announced, "No, I'm red." Karin protested and the two started arguing about who's red, but are interrupted in the task of finding Yuzu and Ishihara. They both were up on the roof, but they were completely surrounded by hollows. "Ishihara, be careful." Yuzu cried out, as Ishihara started warding off the hollows with a wooden pole. Ishihara gets hit by one other hollows and slides in front of Yuzu. "Oh no, Ishihara!" Yuzu cried out, "I don't know how to beat these things but I have to protect her, this is Kuroki's little sister. She'll never forgive me if I had let something happened to her sisters while they were with me. I can do this. I may not know how to kill or stop them but I will do whatever I can to protect her!" Ishihara had a hard time sitting up, when all hope seemed lost Raku creates a barrier around both Yuzu and Ishihara that blocked out all the hollows.

When the hollows attack again Don's crew begins their assault, but during their entrance Karin and Jinta started arguing again. "I'm red. Not you!" Jinta yelled, "No, I'm red. You can't be red!" She yelled, "I will be judging your performance and decide who will be red." Don said and the two begin to attack the hollows, with don mostly talking about who's the best fighter. Ishihara gets back up and grabs the wooden pole and helps them fight the hollows but Yuzu tries to escape, she trips and is saved by Ururu as this happens the hollow begin to merge into one. "What do we do now?" Ishihara put on a brave face, knowing he needed to protect Karin and Yuzu. "Chikushō. I can't be like this. If Kuroki was here she would be brave, she wouldn't be scared. I'm not gonna be scared anymore." Ishihara thought as he stared up at the hollows merging. The hollow begins to attack Yuzu and Ishihara rushes forward to save her, both Raku and Yuzu are knocked off the building. "No, Yuzu!!" Karin runs forward and as they fall Raku turns into a giant lion and saves Yuzu, he sets her down and faces the hollow himself and but has trouble with it.

As a team, Kanonji's crew including Ishihara work together and defeats the hollow. Raku turns back into a regular cat and Yuzu remembers how she met Raku, she had offered him food at the construction site because he was a stray. He tried to follow her home but is run over by a car. Later on, Raku is sitting on Yuzu's lap and decides to keep the transformation of Raku a secret. Raku starts to disappear and finally fades into the sky from where he fell. "It's my fault that Raku died." Yuzu cried as Ishihara bent down next to her and Jinta tries to stop her from crying as well as Karin. "Yuzu, it isn't your fault. I'm sure Raku doesn't blame you for what happened to him. I'm sure, Raku thanks you for offering him food when you first met him." Ishihara comforted her, Karin smiled a bit watching Ishihara finally step up and help comfort her.

Fate (A Bleach Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora