Chapter 102: Yoshino's decision of death!

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Kuroki's pov

"If I'm going to be honest with you Kuro, I say that you can probably handle it. But the problem is... You can't handle the repercussions that come with it. The training that you need has to build over time and doing it now will only restrict you." Kisuke explained and I looked at him, "Wait... So you're saying there is a way but you don't think it's a good thing for me to do right now?" I quirked my eyebrows at Kisuke, as he looked at me with a serious look on his face. I sighed, looking down at my hands. "I guess that means, I'll have to find another way of keeping her from killing everybody I come across." I stood up with a sigh and walked out of the room.

Ichigo and Renji spent the entire night training while I stayed upstairs to figure some things out, I stared outside of the window looking up at all the stars just thinking about everything that's been going on.

"Hey, I thought you would have been asleep by now." I didn't have to turn around to know it was him. "I can't sleep with you and Renji's reiatsu going through the roof." I turned around only to see that Ichigo was shirtless and towel drying his hair, "Sorry about that. Well, Renji and I done for the night so you can go to sleep now." I nodded and got ready for bed, eventually falling asleep right next to Ichigo.

The next morning...

I woke up only to be blinded by a light that shined through the window of the room, I quickly shut my eyes and rolled onto my right. I yawned, stretching out my arms and sat up. I looked around and noticed that Ichigo was not in the room, maybe he left for breakfast.

I got up and left the room, going down the hallway when I literally ran into a hard chest. I looked up and blushed upon seeing Renji standing there, he looked like he just got out of the shower. "Oh hey Kuro, I didn't know you were awake." I stared up in awe at him, his hair was not in it's ponytail and it was wet. He was wearing pants but not a shirt which showed all of his tattoos, he had a six pack which made me want to drool over him. "Kuro, what's up?" I snapped out of my daze and looked at him with a blush. "Oh nothing. I just wasn't expecting to see you shirtless." He looked down and blushed, but I quickly shook it off and grabbed his hand as soon as I smelled them. I dragged him into the living room and saw Ichigo with a plate of waffles, "Waffles!!! You have waffles!" Ichigo froze and then swung around to me, as he saw me holding Renji's hand.

"I guess I can't hide them from you. Otherwise, I wouldn't catch a break from you." He shook his head and sighed as he placed waffles on a plate next to him, he patted the spot next to him and I quickly took my spot. I noticed that Uryu wasn't at the breakfast table but he wasn't the only one missing Ririn was also missing, Did Uryu go back to that mansion? 

"What's wrong Kurodo?" Rui looked down at him as I looked up from my plate. Kurodo was acting strange and it seemed like something was wrong, I honestly didn't like the feeling I was getting. "Spit it out, Kurodo. What's going on?" Ichigo asked, and Kurodo finally cracked. "Yoshino, Uryu and Ririn are gone." I dropped my fork and looked over at Renji and Ichigo. "I advise you go on to the mansion but try to avoid fighting." I nodded but before I left with Ichigo and Renji, Kisuke and Yoruichi stopped me.

"What's up, Kisuke? Why'd you stop me?" I turned to look at him and he held out a gimmick. "I want you to wear this earpiece. Only I will be able to hear you, I want you to keep an out for Mitsuo. Rui told me something very interesting about him, so I want to see what I can find out. If you're hollow side tries to come out, the earpiece will let out a pitched ring which should be able to disable you for a while. But you cannot tell Ichigo or Renji what this is. They'll kill me once they find out what this really is for so don't tell them about the earpiece." I hesitantly took the earpiece from him and put it on. "Bye Kisuke." I waved and shunpooed to catch up with Ichigo and Renji.

"There you are.. We were wondering where you disappeared to." Toshihiro said, as I caught up to Renji. "Why did Kisuke stop you?" Ichigo looked at me, as a thought crossed my mind. "He was just asking about something. It wasn't important so don't worry about it." I waved it off not wanting Ichigo and Renji to worry, but I could see Ichigo didn't believe that it was nothing.

Just as we arrived at the mansion, we were stopped by Ichinose and Koga. I didn't see Mitsuo anywhere, but I didn't let my guard down considering he's known to pop out of nowhere on occasion. We were already inside and I got the feeling that Ririn and Uryu we're pretty close.

"You can't go in there." Koga spoke.

"And why not?"

"Because there's a ritual going on and you can't disturb it."

I shifted my eyes from Koga to  Ichinose, "You guys can handle these two on your own, right?" I spoke lowly only for both Renji and Ichigo to hear me. Rui, Yukio, Rei, Toshihiro were standing right behind me. "Yeah, why?" Ichigo shifted his eyes to me, but kept his head forward.

"I'm going to find Uryu. I'm going to leave them in your hands, but I can't help but get the feeling Mitsuo is lurking somewhere in that damn mansion and I'm going to find him. Uryu is in there to with Yoshino and they are in trouble. I'm going to go in there no matter what."

"Are you crazy?!!" Renji shouted at me and I could see pure concern in his eyes, "I have to Renji! Or Uryu and Yoshino could die! Don't you get it?! I can't let anything happen to them! I'm not putting anyone in danger, I can't let her come out!" Everyone seemed scared of my outburst, "What do you mean?" Ichigo looked to me with concern and I looked away. "It doesn't matter! I'm going." I ran off despite the protests of my brother and Renji, as well as my friends.

I managed to dodge both Koga and Ichinose, I jumped overhead of both of them only to be stopped by a figure. It jumped out at me, hitting me in the stomach making me fly back.

"Didn't think you come out of the shadows, Mitsuo." I got up, seeing him standing in the way and I growled. Damnit, this guy won't give it a rest.

Just as he was about to speak a green light shined from the mansion and dozens of eggs appeared and then hatched. I backed away as dozen on insect like things appeared making me stare up in shock, deep in my stomach I got a bad feeling. That Yoshino wasn't here anymore, "Kuro, what's happening over there?" I heard Yoruichi's voice come through the earpiece, "Something's not right. I can't feel Yoshino, it's like she just vanished. Kariya.." I stared in horror, as Kariya appeared.

"Where the hell is Yoshino, Kariya?!" Mitsuo shouted but Kariya didn't answer, instead he disappeared. Along with everything else and I stood there in shock.

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