Christmas Special #2

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Kuroki's pov

Christmas was finally here, I was so excited since we would be spending Christmas in the Soul Society. It had already gotten cold here, so we were wearing heavy jackets. Bishamon had already taken Rui and Toshihiro back to the Soul Society to get Rui situated for now, "Hey, can we stop by home first? I wanna slip Dad's present under the tree. I also have Karin and Yuzu's presents already under it." I hid the gift wrapped box in a shopping bag so dad wouldn't be able to see it, he always seemed to manage to find out where I hid his Christmas presents, which always made me have to find new hiding places. So this time I decided to slap a label on the bag saying that it was Ichigo's present instead of his, "Why'd you stick a label on it for Ichigo if it's for your father?" Uryu questioned as he pushed up his glasses and shifted his blue eyes to me. "Dad always finds her hiding spot for all his gifts so she did that as a way to disguise his gift." Ichigo explained as we finally reached the house, "I'll grab our bags." I took my keys out, rushing into the house.

"Hey Kuro, you're home!" I was tackled by the waist in a hug by Karin and Yuzu. "Yeah, but I can't stay. Hey, is dad home?" I looked down at them, "Nah, he went to the store. I think he's buying your present." My smile grew wider and I chuckled, "Yuzu can you put this under the tree?" I handed her the bag, "Is this for Ichigo?" I shook my head as she took the bag out of my hand. "Shh!! Come closer." I waved them both closer, "You can't tell anyone. It's Dad's gift. I just said it was Ichigo's." Yuzu and Karin bursted into laughter, as they both shook their heads.

"So are you staying?" Yuzu asked as she placed his present at the back of the tree, "Sorry, not this year. Ichigo, the others (Rukia, Orihime, Chad, Uryu, Ishihara and Rui) and I are headed to a friend's for Christmas. We're gonna spend time with them. I'm sorry you guys. I have to grab the bags on my bed, and then Ichigo and I gotta go." Karin wrapped me in a hug while Yuzu rushed upstairs, "It'll be alright. Although, Dad won't be too happy about it." Karin sighed as I put my hand in her head. "Well since you guys won't be here, I wanted to give you're presents early. I'll take your backpack upstairs later." Karin took my book bag and handed four gifts. Two from each of them, "Thanks Karin. You're presents happen to already be under the tree." Yuzu came back downstairs with the two brown duffle bags. "Thanks Yuzu. You two stay well behaved for Dad even it means to let him hug you. I love you both!" I took the bags from Yuzu, bringing the two into a hug and kissed their foreheads.

"Oh wait... Don't forget to take these." Yuzu shoved Kon and Mari in my hand, making me chuckle.

I said my goodbyes and headed out of the door, "There you are. I was wondering what took you so long." Ichigo complained, "What's that?" He looked down at the presents. "Karin gave me the gifts she and Yuzu got for us. We each got two gifts from them. Here take this." I handed him his duffle bag and his gifts, I carefully placed my gifts in my bag and picked it back up. "You were just gonna leave us with your crazy sister!!!" I growled, narrowing my eyes at Kon and kicked him making him fly past Ichigo. Chad caught him, placing him down on the front doorstep. "Come on, or we'll be late." Rukia smiled and we headed out.

"Kisuke!!!" Although Kisuke could be shady, I still gave him a hug. He does a lot for us despite him being a weirdo, "Hey, Kuro. Long time so see. I see you guys are ready to head out." He laughed as I gave him a hug and let go. "Yeah, we are." Ichigo nodded so Kisuke got things ready, I found out that Yoruichi had already headed to Soul Society and that Kisuke would be coming with us.

Hours later....

We finally made it to the Soul Society, everything was so lit up and beautiful. "Wow," Mari exclaimed as I held her in my arms, "Wow, is right." Ishihara's eyes lit up making me smile, I know that last Christmas wasn't a fun time for him. After he was kidnapped by that weird Hollow-like beast, he had gone home only to end up in a huge fight with his older brother which made him come back to Kisuke's in tears. I felt so bad for him and ended up spending most of the night trying to calm him down, when he finally did calm down we all had a blast. "Come on, let's head to headquarters." Rukia and Kisuke escorted us to where we were staying. Everything was different, it was still very busy but it was fully decorated making the place seem much brighter. Kisuke led us to some rooms where a lot of other bags had been placed and then to an area with lots of lights and an open backyard. "Hey guys, you made it." I turned my head and dropped Mari as I came face to face with Shunsui and Jushiro.

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