Christmas Special Part 1

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3rd person's pov

Today was the first day of December and everyone in the soul society was getting ready for the holidays. Rukia, Renji, Byakuya, Shunsui, Sui Feng, Shuhei, Ikkaku, Izuru, Yumichika, Toshiro, Rangiku, Bishamon and Jushiro had gotten permission to go to see Kisuke and spend Christmas with them. "I'm excited. It's gonna snow here!! And Kuro sure is gonna be happy!" Rangiku smiled brightly as she leaned on Toshiro's shoulders, while she stood behind him.

"Why would you say that?" Toshiro sighed, "Well, for one.... It's been a while since she's seen us and Renji. She's probably already excited but she doesn't know about us coming. She hasn't seen us in months and Kisuke says that she always stops by to see if Rukia has come back. She really misses us." Rangiku was excited to be able to spend Christmas with Ichigo and Kuroki. "Yeah, not to mention... Rei and Yukio are dying to go as well. And Toshihiro has a lot of work to do... He really wanted to come after not seeing her for months." Rukia looked at Byakuya, who just sighed. "Actually...." Toshihiro appeared just in time, "What? I thought you had a lot of work to do since the hollow incident in Rukon 56?" Ikkaku turned to him with Rei and Yukio, who were also standing behind Toshihiro.

"I actually took care of that.. So I don't have anymore work. And the twins finished their work as well." He explained to them, "So is everyone ready to go?" Jushiro turned to everyone, "Yeah, we are." Toshiro said, "We're gonna need coats. Kisuke said that it has just started snowing in Karakura town." Bishamon handed out jackets to everyone and they put them on.

"Well, we should get going. Kisuke is expecting us." Shunsui smiled, as they all stepped foot into the Senkaimon. They walked for about ten minutes, until they finally got into Kisuke's warm shop. "Welcome, guys. It's nice to see you all." Kisuke greeted them, "Kisuke, why is it so warm in here?" They took their jackets off and Tessai took them to hang up, as Kisuke's phone began to ring. "Hello?" Jinta answered but only heard a loud yell making him drop the phone. "KISUKE!!!!!" Ishihara's voice rang loudly as Kisuke sighed and shook his head, "Why does he keep calling me if he knows that Kuro isn't gonna want to deal with him? Let alone me deal with him?" Kisuke rubbed his face, as he groaned. "Kisuke..." Ishihara wailed into the phone as Kisuke picked up the phone, "What is it now Ishihara?" He sighed, as the others looked at each other in confusion. Kisuke listened to Ishihara ramble over the phone and sighed ever so often.

"What time is it?" Rangiku turned to Jinta and Ururu, who were standing by the door. "Well, it's about two thirty. I would say that Ichigo and Kuroki are in class right now. Ishihara is probably freaking out over Kuroki again." Jinta and Ururu put their jackets on and walked outside.


Ichigo, Kuroki, Uryu, Chad, and Orihime were sitting at a table together. "Why'd you yell at Ishihara?" Orihime looked up at Kuroki, who was currently drawing a picture for Renji. She had already bought him his gift, as well as one for Ichigo and Rukia. "He is annoying. I already told him I was busy making Renji a card for Christmas to go with his gift. I told him not to bother me while I do this. Besides he's getting one of these as well, and I don't want him to see it." Kuroki explained, as she looked up from her paper. "Awwww, how cute.." Orihime stopped teasing, once she saw Kuroki's facial expression.

"It looks really nice. I think it's sweet that the teacher let us make cards like this instead of doing work." Orihime smiled, which made Ichigo sigh. He was scribbling something on a piece of paper, but Kuroki was barely paying attention to him doing that. The bell rang meaning school was now over, "Have a wonderful break and please be careful out in the snow." The teacher dismissed her class, as kids filed out of the room.

"Kuro.." The group had stayed behind since they were packing up their things. Ishihara stuck his head inside the classroom as Kuroki gave a card to the teacher and put her jacket on. She was wearing a thick jacket with a black skully and black boots, she put her bookbag on her back as she walked over to Ichigo. "Kuro.... I'm sorry for-" She smiled at Ishihara, making him confused. "It's okay, Ishihara. Here I made you this. It wasn't just a small project, I also got you this." She pulled out a small gift wrapped box and handed him the card.

"You really got me something?!" He took the box and card out her hand, staring at it with sparkles in his eyes. "Yeah, you deserve it after putting up with all my craziness. You want to come to Urahara's shop with us?" He nodded, as they all took their leave to Kisuke's shop. "I don't think Renji or Rukia will be here this time. I know that you miss them both, but Rukia said they won't be done with all of their work until next month. I don't want you to be sad, if they're not here." They were almost to Kisuke's shop, where they had set up a surprise for both Kurosaki twins.

"Oh, they're almost here!!!!" Rangiku cheered, making Jushiro laugh at her excitement. "She's gonna knock us down." Yukio smiled brightly, making Ikkaku snort. "What are you snickering about? She missed us too not just you, baldy!" Yukio looked somewhat annoyed at him as Rei slightly pushed his brother back, but this only made Ikkaku mad as the two started arguing. The door opened, "Kisuke!! We're here. I brought you and Yoruichi, Tessai and the kids gifts!!" Kuroki's voice rang out causing excitement to bubble, as Yukio and Ikkaku stopped arguing.

"Oh, how kind of you? You really didn't need to get us anything." Kisuke greeted her by the door, "Hey, Kisuke. You look as shady as ever." Ichigo's voice rang, meaning that both twins were here. "Oh, Orihime. Chad. Uryu it's so good to see you." He laughed, as Tessai took their things and he walked them into the store. "I still have that feeling that Renji or Rukia is not gonna show up." Ichigo sighed, as he gave his jacket to Tessai. "Stop being so pessimistic. Besides.... If he isn't here then I'll sulk, while you enjoy yourself." Kuroki placed a frown on her face, which made the others a bit sad. "Oh, don't sulk. I'm sure he's here. With Rukia too." Orihime smiled brightly, "Thanks, Orihime... But Renji and Rukia have been dealing with a lot of work in the Soul Society that they are still having to deal with. I can survive another month." Kuroki sighed, as Kisuke stood in front of them. "By the way, I have a big surprise for you Kurosaki siblings." Kisuke smiled, making the twins skeptical of him.

"Don't tell me it's another thing you made to probe Kon with?" Ichigo sighed, annoyance written on his face as they stepped into the warm house. "Surprise!!" The group yelled except for Toshiro, who gave a small smile. Kuroki dropped her hand, "Hey, Kuro. It's been a while.." Renji said nervously, Bishamon pushed him forward and Kuroki launched herself onto him. Tears of joy flowed down her cheeks, as she anime cried.

"I missed you so much, Ren." She smiled as the others laughed, "Yeah, I've missed you too." Renji blushed red, but was happy to finally see her again. "It's so great to see you all." The chatter began, as everyone said their greetings.

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