Chapter 90: True Identity of the Devil, the Secret which is Revealed

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Kuroki's pov

Ichigo, Orihime, Renji, Uryu and I were sitting outside at the spot near the small river where we usually went. We were watching the fireworks but also trying to figure out how to get everyone back safely. I was wearing Ishihara's jacket but couldn't get the thought out of my head, we still didn't know what happened to our Chad. Kurodo was just some imposter, but how did I not realize that when we're trying to figure out things. It wasn't fair that they had Ishihara as well, "Kuro.. I got this letter from our friend." I ignored him just staring into the sky, how was I supposed to keep Ishihara back. Why did he get taken last? Why did they take Tatsuki first before everyone else? All of these questions were in my head, ever since we found out Chad was still with them.

"HEY!!! WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME?!!" I jumped in the air with a yelp and landed on my butt, I rubbed it muttering curse words. "What did you yell in my ear for?!! You could have just poked me!" I yelled, as an irk mark appeared on my forehead. "You weren't saying anything and I did poke you! You were just zoning out. Look that doesn't matter right now, we need to figure out how to get everyone back." Ichigo argued as I sighed looking at him, "We also need to figure out where they are holding Chad." Uryu pushed up his glasses and suddenly a note fell from the sky. Ichigo grabbed it, "It's from Ririn." He and I made eye contact, "What does it say?" I scooted closer to Ichigo as we all tried to look at the note, Renji was sitting behind me leaning over to get a look.

"Destroy the gates in thirty minutes, Ririn." Uryu read, but what does that mean? "What gate?" A giant red gate suddenly appeared above town, making me stand up. The big red doors flew open and started to suck everything in, which made all of us panic. "How are we supposed to destroy that thing?!!" Ichigo yelled, as we ran towards it.

"I don't know. But I don't think we can!!" Ichigo and I changed into our soul reaper forms leaving our bodies in a safe spot, although I was a bit skeptical. "Guys something doesn't feel right. I don't have a good feeling about this at all." I gripped Yuki's cloth covered handle hard, basically turning my knuckles white as we arrived at the gate. "It's huge. Do you think that attacking it one by one will destroy it?" My eyes spotted something on top of the red gate, "Is that?!" Orihime started, "Ririn!!! Where the hell is Chad?!! Where is he?!!" Ichigo lost his temper, which made her giggle but something else caught my eyes. My green eyes shifted to something that was in Ririn's hand and that's when I realized it, "Ichigo!! She has Kisuke's hat!!" I pointed to it and turned my head towards Ichigo and the others. Orihime was to his left and Uryu to his right while Renji was to my left, Orihime was to my right. The three of them disappeared as the gate started to suck us in so we all grabbed things to hold onto, I held onto a pole as Mari flew past me and I tried to grab her but lost grip on the pole.

"No!! Kuro!!! Mari!!" Ichigo yelled out as Orihime, Kon and Uryu are lifted up.

"Kuro!!" I screamed, closing my eyes but couldn't feel myself being pulled anymore. Ichigo attempts to grab Orihime, but their hands barely touch and Orihime is sucked into the gate with Uryu, Kon and Mari. "I've got you. But it looks like we're gonna have to go in since those four got sucked in." Renji looked down at me as I looked to Ichigo, who nodded. Ichigo gave me a small nod, before letting go of the pole but he did something different. "What is that idiot thinking?!" I yelled frantically, as my hair blew in my face.

"I think he's trying to destroy the gate." Renji's arm was wrapped tightly around my waist. I looked back at Ichigo to see that he was trying to go bankai, but it wasn't working. "His bankai isn't working. But why?" Renji looked down at me, "I think I know why this is happening but I don't want to tell you that just yet." Yuki stated as I huffed, which caused Renji to look down at me.

"Why are you huffing?" Our eyes met, "Yuki says that he might now something but he won't tell me anything. But my gut says that Kisuke has something to do with this." I looked back up at Renji but then heard a shout, looking back up my eyes trailed to Ichigo. "Ichigo!!" I screamed, as he was sucked in. "We're going in after him." Renji let go of the pole as we were sucked into the giant red gates with both us screaming.

When I woke up, I was somewhere that I didn't recognize at all and Renji and Ichigo were no where in sight, until I saw orange hair. The place was so big but I didn't recognize any of it, it couldn't have been Kisuke's training area. "Ichigo!!!" I crawled over to my older twin and slapped his cheek hard, which made him shoot upright. Renji woke up and then I heard yelling. My head snapped to the side to see Kon rushing towards me, "Yay!" I punched him in the face, as he launched himself at me and he fell to the floor. "Wait, it's Chad!" Orihime pointed but as we all stood up something fell over him and Ririn. The dirt flew up into the air, as it slowly disippated. "What is that?" Mari was behind me, as we finally saw a figure. There was a giant hourglass that had landed over Ririn and Chad, who was tied up to a pole. "You have five minutes until the hour glass runs out to save chad. But you have to catch Noba and Kurodo before Chad is buried in sand." I stood up next to Orihime and growled, getting annoyed with all these games. "So what's the plan?" I looked to Ichigo, who slightly looked at me. "I'm gonna take down Kurodo. Renji you take Noba. Kuro, I think it's best if you try to get to chad." I nodded, as we broke apart and the battle began.

I made a beeline for the hourglass but was knocked back by something, when I stood up a young male towered over me and I recognized him to be Ishihara. I growled, "What are you doing here?!! I'm trying to save Chad and you are in the way!" I yelled but he didn't seem fazed, which made me skeptical. I grew a bit pissed since he had no reaction but I had a gut feeling this wasn't my best friend, I knew it wasn't him. "That isn't the real Ishihara!! It's an illusion, Ririn made!" Uryu yelled to me as I looked back at the fake version, "I knew it... Ishihara doesn't act like this." I pulled Yuki out and slashed at him, but I could see behind him that time was running out. I shifted my eyes from Chad to Orihime and then to Uryu. "Guys!!! We don't have that much time left!! We need to do something now!!" I shifted my eyes quickly over to Ichigo as sweat dripped down my temple seeing him struggle to fight off Kurodo, so I looked over to Renji but he wasn't having any luck either. So I fight with the fake version of Ishihara as Ririn launched another attack, which creates this weird looking thing that pulls everything forward so I stuck Yuki in the ground and held on tightly to him.

"Why isn't my bankai working?" I could hear Ichigo cursing and muttering to himself, as I look over to Chad. I took Yuki out of the ground quickly placing him in his sheath, before making a run towards the hourglass. As I'm doing this, I hear something small and saw a crack in the hourglass surrounding Chad and that strange thing Ririn created disappears. I stared up at the sky trying to figure what really was going on and then I realized that Kisuke was behind it, I thought back to Ririn having his hat back before we were sucked into the gate. "Kisuke!" Ichigo called as he appeared with the three people which were Ririn, Noba and Kurodo.

"I knew you were behind this!! That hat gave it away!" I shook my fist at him, as Renji tried to calm me down. "I congratulate you and Ichigo, for figuring this out. I also noticed that after observing Ichigo, he isn't able to use his bankai." Kisuke spoke clearly, "Then why did those three give us all kinds of hell?!" I took one step forward, "Yoruichi told me that there some intruders so before Aizen returns, I want Ichigo to be able to freely use his bankai as you can." I growled loudly, as an irk mark appeared on my forehead.

"So you did all of this to train Ichigo?!! Didn't I tell you that I wouldn't hesitate to beat your ass if you had anything to do with this?!!" I took another step forward which had Uryu, Ichigo and Renji holding me back as I tried to reach Kisuke. "Whoa, whoa. Calm down, Kuro. This was also meant to help you." He stated, making me stop and look at him with a confused look. "What do you mean?" I tilted my head to the side, "Well, I remember you were the brains for some of this whole thing but you would also lose your temper. This was to help hone those awesome mental skills you have. But Uryu lost his powers." My eyes widened as I looked over to Uryu, who sighed deeply. "Why didn't you tell us that you lost your powers Uryu? We could have helped you get them back. We have to fight together if we want to stop Aizen. You should have told us sooner." This put a smile on my face as I shook my head, but then remembered something.

"Kisuke, what happened to all our classmates?" Ichigo asked, as we were about to leave the vast space. "They're safe don't worry." Which was all Kisuke said, as he walked ahead of us. "Wait... Kisuke! Where are they?" Ichigo asked, but he didn't answer.

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