Chapter 103: Assualt from a Formidable Enemy!

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Kuroki's pov

Ever since Yoshino's death and Kariya's weird plan none of the bounts have showed up, which honestly worried me. They could be stirring up some kind of plan and not knowing what they're up to, is driving me crazy. Kisuke says not to worry to much but I can't help it, I've worried so much that I barely have had any sleep. As a result, I've been really cranky. Not only that but Kisuke had the nerve to send Renji to investigate the mansion by himself, I know Renji can handle himself very well of but I can't help but worry. He's my boyfriend, I would prefer being with Renji than at home with Ririn and Kurodo continuously arguing.

"Hey, Kuro.. Are you feeling okay?" Ichigo asked, "I'm fine." I started walking off, since we were heading towards my house. Kisuke had sent us home with both Ririn and Kurodo, which sucked. Those two never got along and I hated hearing them argue, it got on my nerves and if they couldn't learn to get along while they were with us... I was going to kick their tiny tushes out of the window.

"Uhh. Kuro, are you sure you're okay? You seem a lot more cranky than you usually are. I mean you always are cranky, you just seem a little more than regularly." I shifted my eyes to the left and glared at Ishihara, who paled and hid behind Rui.

I looked away and kept walking ahead of everyone else, Rui was still with us because Mitsuo was still a threat but he couldn't stay at our place. We only have room for Rukia and the reason we have Ririn and Kurodo is because they don't take to much space, I still didn't want them around they are too much. We already had to deal with both Kon and Mari at home and those never give it a rest, especially Kon. When Rukia didn't come back with us, he slapped Ichigo and threw a fit despite him being all torn up while Mari couldn't stop crying. I was happy that Rukia was back, but I was not in any mood to hear Ririn argue with Kurodo.

"Hey, Kuro... Are you okay?" I shifted my eyes to the right, as Rukia managed to catch up with me but I didn't answer and looked ahead of me. "I know you're worried about Renji. You don't think he should be alone in investigating the mansion." I still hadn't answered her comment and kept my attention forward. "Kuro, I don't think you need to worry about him. He can handle himself well so I doubt we need to worry." I smiled at Rukia, who seemed confused as we had finally reached our house.

I walked upstairs as we said our goodbyes to Rui, Toshihiro, Yukio and Rei. Toshihiro and Rui stayed with Rei and Yukio, who moved right next door to us. At first, Dad was crazy about them living next door to us but as time went on he started to dislike them thinking they wanted to date me. He still didn't know that Renji and I were dating, as long as it stayed that way I was okay.

I kicked off my shoes and headed upstairs towards our room, I opened the door to see that Mari was nearly killing Kon and ignored them. I plopped down on the bed, taking a manga off of my shelf as I laid down. Rukia had gone inside of the closet and Ichigo sat down of the floor, trying to get Ririn and Kurodo settled. It wasn't even an hour since we had been home and Ririn had already started an argument with Kurodo and Mari, I kept trying to block it out as I read my manga but as the shouting got louder I got more agitated. I shifted my eyes to the floor seeing Ichigo trying to keep them apart and then the door opened, both of our heads snapped to see Yuzu standing there.

"Oh hey sis, what's up?" I put the manga down and sat up, "I thought I heard arguing. Are you two arguing about something?" I looked at Ichigo and shook my head. She took that as a no and left the room, but both Ririn and Kurodo started arguing again making me throw my manga at them both. Ichigo's soul reaper pass went off and instead of going with Ichigo and Rukia, I stayed at the house.

"Hey, Mari... Do me a favor and watch the house." I slipped my sweater on and grabbed my keys, Mari jumped up onto my desk while Ririn, Kurodo and Kon stood on the bed.

"Where are you going?" Kon asked.

"I'm going to the mansion to help Renji investigate. I don't like him being alone there. And whatever you do, When Ichigo and Rukia come back... Do not tell them I went after Renji. Got it?" I demanded, making Mari shake her head. I took the pill out of Mari's body and wiped it off before swallowing it, separating from my own body.

I left the house making sure that Yuzu didn't spot me and that Rui and the others spot me leaving the house. I finally got closer to the mansion, I could sense Renji's spiritual pressure. I jumped down from the tree I was in and landed right in front of Renji, which made him fall backwards in shock. "Hi," I smiled as I landed on my feet, giggling a bit looking at Renji's surprised face. It was so cute and I swore I could see a small smile on his lips, as he stared at me in shock.

"Kuro, what are you doing here? I thought Kisuke sent you home." He asked.

"Well, I couldn't stand doing nothing and I didn't like you being here by yourself. So while Rukia and Ichigo went to fight a hollow, I snuck out of the house and came here." I placed my hands on my hips, as he stood back up. "We're you worried about me?" He moved closer to me and I nodded, "Yeah, I was. I'm afraid those bounts are up to something and I don't like it, one bit." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. "You didn't need to worry about me. But I appreciate that you do care." I looked up at him, as I wrapped my arms around him.

"You know I can hold my own. You don't have to worry so much." He smiled down at me, "You know you're lucky, I find you cute. Keep talking like that and I might just kick you." I threatened, making him laugh. "Kuro, you are one violent but cute girl." I smiled at him pulling him closer, as he kissed me on the lips. I pulled away first and stared up at him with a big smile that he copied, a light blush appeared on his cheeks making me laugh and then I turned my attention to the mansion.

"Did you find anything in there?" I asked, referring to the mansion and he shook his head and let go of me as we stared up at the huge mansion.

I went into the mansion, with Renji following after me and started looking around. "Why do think Yoshino sacrificed herself?" Renji asked, as I moved some books around.

"I don't think she sacrificed herself. I think she was ready to die. She's lived longer than we have and she told Uryu that Kariya was going to use him as a key for something. To be honest, I think whatever Kariya is planning won't end well on either side. I get the feeling that something bad is going to happen," I turned towards Renji, as I put down a book and walked over towards him.

Just as he was about to say something, his soul pager went off. "What's up?" I leaned against his arm to take a look at his soul pager, "We gotta go. Ichigo and Rukia need some help with something."

We took of making it there in less than ten minutes but when we got there, I saw something I didn't expect.

"What the hell is that thing?!" I shouted.

"Kuro, what are you doing here with Renji?" Ichigo turned his head and then stormed over towards Renji and I. "What were you doing with him?!!" I sighed and shook my head, "I was helping him investigate the mansion. Now if you don't mind me asking, what the hell is that thing?!!" I pointed to the weird figure, we were standing in front of.

"It's Ririn and Kurodo." I growled, becoming ticked that they were already causing more trouble.

"Why am I not surprised?"

Renji went to attack them but they switched Zabimaru out for a broom making Ishihara crack up, I picked up a nearby rock and threw it at Ishihara making him fall backwards. "It's time you stopped causing trouble!!" I charged but before I could attack, they had tied Karin and Yuzu to themselves which pissed me off.

"That's a dirty trick and you know it. The fact that you are using my sisters as a shield, makes you a coward!!!" I shouted while they surrounded Rukia with rabbits, she was amazed and I honestly found her to be cute standing in the middle of all of those rabbits.

They become blinded a trap they set and before I had the chance to finish them off, Noba teleports them away and takes off the suits. "These suits actually strengthen their fighting power." Kon explained and I sighed, as we took them back to Kisuke.

Kon gloats over Ririn, which starts an argument between the two and I start to get irritated. "Will you two stop arguing?!! I can't take it anymore!!" I kicked Kon and grabbed Ririn, while Mari laughed at the two only making me more agitated. "Shut Up!" I smacked her on the back of the head and crossed my arms. "By the way, did anyone put away the traps?" Ichigo asked, but Kurodo and Noba shake their heads. Oh great, knowing my Dad, he probably got caught in one of them.

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