Chapter 20: Getting Ready To Go To The Soul Society!! Old Friends reappear!!

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Kuroki's pov (pic of Seiji at the top)

After three hours of going at it on hand to hand combat with Yuki, I was watching ichigo fight with Kisuke to get his hat. Kisuke told me that I didn't have to worry about doing that, he then reveals that the broken sword he had is actually his zanpakuto. I spit out my tea and watch as Kisuke chases ichigo around, Ichigo kept running and I noticed that he had stopped running. Ichigo stands there and shoots at the top of his lungs, "Zangetsu!" Which releases his zanpakuto, I stand up and watch as he thrusts a powerful attack at Kisuke enough to knock his hat off. Kisuke counters it with something called Chikasumi No Tate. I was so happy to have trained with Yuki and Kisuke.

A week later, Ichigo, the rest of my family and I went to the fireworks show. I sat on Dad's shoulders as we watched the fireworks, I used to do this as a little kid when Mom would go with us. "You alright up there, kuroki?" Dad asked, then he realized what he called me. I sat there quietly irritated and jumped off his shoulders, landing in front of him.

"What did I tell you about calling me by that name, Dad?!" I kicked him with both feet in the stomach, making him fly away. "Whoa," Yuzu rushed off to make dad was okay after that kick, while Karin just sighed and went after Yuzu. I pushed a strand of hair back behind my ear and I walked off, I heard the fireworks go off and smiled.

"Kuroki!!!!!!!!!" I opened my eyes, to see Ishihara running full speed at me. I couldn't dodge him in time and he launched himself onto me, swinging me around. "Let meee gooooo!" I shouted, as he swung me around. Seiji was able to pry him off of me and I fell flat on my butt, "Owie." I rubbed my butt, slowly standing up.

"Thanks Seiji. Anyways, why are you here with him?" I asked, brushing my hair to the side. I got a good look at him, he was wearing a black vest and white shirt. Ishihara was wearing a black and white jacket, he had on a blue buttoned up shirt and a red tie. He had on black jeans and red converse with a wristband, his blonde hair was pushed back and his blue eyes seemed brighter than usual. He seemed very happy, which made me smile before I looked at Seiji.

"Well, he forced me to come with him. If I didn't go, he would have dragged me here anyways." Seiji explained, sighing loudly. "That's understandable, he is the type to drag people wherever he wants to go." I shook my head and sighed, as Ishihara smiled at the two of us. "Let's go get some food." Ishihara grabbed my hand and Seiji's hand, dragging us away.

On the way to a nearby food stand, I saw Uryu and Ichigo as well as Chad and Orihime. We were headed for the food stands just a little past them, "Hey, Kuro!" Orihime shouted and I reached out, grabbing onto Ichigo's arm. "Hey Kuro, what are you doing?" Ishihara turned his head slightly, to get a look as to why we came to a stop. "Help me, Ichigo. Please. He won't let me be." I whispered to him, looking up at him. "Where is he even taking you?" Uryu asked, looking to me as I sighed. "To get fo-" I was cut off by somebody shouting my name, I wanted to kill them and thank them at the same time. "Kuroki! Come back here!" I spotted the two people I never thought I would see again, but I was happy to see them. I smiled widely, looking at the two boys heading towards us. "Whose that?" Seiji turned his head to me and Ishihara as we both smiled. Those two boys were the twins, Yukio and Rei Kuzo. I kicked Ishihara, making him drop me and I hid right behind Ichigo, Chad and Uryu. They each had short blue hair and brown eyes, Rei was always on the left and Yukio was always on the right. Back when we were young, Rei was the mischievous one, while Yukio was the quiet one but more mischievous than Rei. Rei had on a khaki sweater vest and white shirt, with a yellow stripped tie. Yukio had on a green sweater, white shirt, black jeans, black converse and the same tie as Rei. Rei had on black jeans as well and blue converse.

"We can see you, Kuro." Yukio appeared by my side, "Yeah, you can't hide from us." Rei appeared on my other side, making me yell. "I thought you moved away to London, two years ago?" I asked, looking over to the twins. "Well mother didn't like it there much, so we moved back just this week." Rei explained, Ichigo finally takes notice of the twins behind him. "Oh hey, Rei. Hey Yukio." Ichigo greeted, "Hey Ichigo." They said in unison, and I gotta admit that made them a little more creepy.

"Whose that?" Rei pointed to Uryu while Yukio pointed to Seiji, making me laugh. "Oh this is Seiji, one of Ishihara's friends from class. And this our good friend Uryu." I introduced, "Nice to meet you." Seiji greeted happily, "Same here." Uryu pushed up his glasses, "Kuro!!!" Karin ran up to me, "What's wrong, Karin?" I asked, as she caught her breath.

"I can't find Yuzu or Dad." She looked up at me, "Did you check the food stands?" I asked and she shook her head, "Go check there, Dad might have gotten hungry. If not, come back here and I'll go with Ichigo to find them." She nodded and ran off.

"So what were you doing?" Yukio asked, "We were ju-" I was dragged away by Ishihara, who still had a good grip on Seiji's arm. "Bye Kuro!" The twins said in unison, with bored faces. Just as I was being dragged away my phone rang, I reached with my right hand to my front left pocket and answered the phone. "Hello?" I saw Seiji look up at me, "Oh hey Mr. Hat and Clogs, what's up?" I smirked, knowing that calling him that would get on his nerves. "Did you really have to call me by that name?" I heard Kisuke say from the other side of the line, "Yep, so what's up?" I asked. "Well, I got the senkaimon open ready for you guys to get to the soul society." He explained, "Really?!! Thank god, I was wondering when it would be open. Did you tell ichigo?" I asked, "Yeah, so come on by the shop." Kisuke said and hung up, "Hey Ishihara, something came up and I need to go get Ichigo cause we are doing something together for the summer. So I'll see you later." He stopped running and let my arm go. "Okay, I'll see you later." He looked sad and then wiped the look off his face before running off with Seiji, who called out bye to me.

I ran off finding Ichigo but Orihime, Chad and Uryu disappeared which honestly was weird. "Hey, did you get the call about you know what?" I asked, "Yeah, come on." He said and the two of us walked out of the festival to the Uruhara shop. When we got there I saw Chad, Uryu, Orihime and a black cat there. "What are you guys doing here?" Ichigo asked, "We are coming along with you to save Rukia." Orihime said, "Who's the black cat, Mr. Hat and Clogs?" I asked, walking towards it. "That's Yoruichi." I stooped down to the cat's level and petted the cat on the head. "Hi Yoruichi. I'm-" A male voice cut me off, which surprised me with how deep the voice was.

"I know, you're Kuroki Kurosaki and Ichigo Kurosaki." He said and I stood up straight, still a bit in shock that this cat could talk. "Do you know what's going on?" Ichigo asked Orihime and she nods, saying yes. Kisuke opens the senkaimon and then turns his body to face us, "This is a special conversion type gate, which will allow all of you to travel safely through. But you only have four minutes to make it all the way through, so you must hurry." He explained, as I mentally prepared myself for walking into the seinkaimon. 

"Bye Kisuke." I waved, as we walk into the senkaimon.

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