Halloween Special (Part 3)

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3rd person's pov

The hollow screeched in pain as Ichigo slashed at its leg, bringing it down to its knees. He once again slashed the Hollow again, causing it to screech in pain and send an attack towards Ichigo. He dodged the large hand coming down and brought his sword up, cutting the hollow's hand off. "Getsuga Tensho!" Ichigo killed the hollow, landing firmly on his feet in the grassy field he was standing in. "Ichigo!" The ginger turned his head to the right, Yoruichi running over to him. Behind her was Rukia, "You guys alright?" Ichigo asked, "Yeah, we're fine. We took down five Hollows on the way to you. But I got word from Byakuya that there were many more appearing over this way." Yoruichi explained, "Have you heard from Uryu?" Rukia asked, "No, not since we spotted the first hollow. But I have a feeling that they might be dealing with hollows of their own..." Ichigo trailed off, thinking about Kuroki. He was worried that she was going to get involved in the fight against the sudden invasion of Hollows and there was nothing he could do to stop her, all he could hope for was that Toshihiro and the others would be able to keep her from overdoing it. "Ichigo, I know you're worried about Kuroki getting involved in the fight against the hollows but something tells me that she'll be just fine. Besides, I don't think she'll be able to get away from Kisuke so easily, that man always tricks up his sleeve." Rukia said, Ichigo was about to say something when Rukia's pager went off and they heard the screech of a hollow in the distance.

"Damn it," Ichigo cursed.

In another location, Toshiro, Byakuya, and Shunsui were fighting off several hollows that were terrorizing a heavily packed area with people. Renji and the twins were trying their best to get people evacuated from the area, everyone was spread thin at this point. "We need to find out what's attracting so many hollows to come here. There has to be something bringing them here." Toshiro stated, "Or someone," Shunsui added, looking around for any more hollows. They were finally starting to see the numbers of hollows dwindle which was a relief to the group, "You think someone is attracting them to the World of the Living?" Toshiro asked, killing the last hollow in the area. "Yes, it's the only plausible explanation as to why there are so many hollows coming here. Someone could have ripped open a Garganta and let them in that way." Byakuya suggested and what he said seemed to make sense to the rest of the Captains, he may have been right about that but they wouldn't know unless they did more digging. Within the next twenty minutes, all the hollows in the area had been killed and dozens of people had been saved with few getting serious injuries.

Back at Kisuke's place, Uryu, Toshihiro and Chad had finally taken out all of the hollows that showed up in their area. "You think they're all gone now?" Orihime asked, she came out of the shop to check on everyone. "Yeah, it seems like it." Uryu nodded. "I find it strange that there was such an influx of Hollows that came here... Where the hell did they all come from?" Ishihara quipped, he was standing behind Orihime and wanted to help the others out. "Someone could have opened a Garganta. That's the only way I can think of them getting here." Toshihiro explained, sliding his sword back into its sheath. "There's no way that those hollows could have opened one themselves, right?" Chad asked, his eyes shifting from the sky to Toshihiro. 

"That's right. Regular low-level hollows can't open a Garganta." Toshihiro answered. 

"Then what can?" Ishihara asked, everyone froze upon hearing a loud screech and loud thumping noises. "What is that?" Orihime looked around but saw nothing, Ishihara panicked and quickly tapped Orihime as he saw what was coming. A large Menos Grande was now in Karakura Town and it looked like they were going to need backup, "Ishihara, what's wrong?" Orihime looked back at Ishihara who was pointing to the Menos Grande coming their way. Toshihiro looked up, his eyes widening as he had sensed the Menos Grande. Uryu and Chad looked up, spotting the Menos Grande as well, both visibly concerned. "Shit..." He muttered, "Ishihara, go back in the house and tell Kisuke what's going on. And whatever you do, don't let Kuroki come out here!" Ishihara took off inside, Orihime and Chad looking to Toshihiro for orders.

"What do we do?" She asked.

"We call for backup," Toshihiro took out his phone and immediately paged his Captain, hoping that he wasn't too busy to hear it. Kisuke had been tasked with keeping Kuroki locked down in the basement which was incredibly hard to do, Kisuke had to come up with some crazy reason as to why she had to be down here. So he thought it best to say that he was helping her train to keep her hollow side from coming out, at first Kuroki seemed happy about it. That is until she caught onto the way that Jinta had been acting, Ururu and Jinta were watching Kuroki's training session. They had just seen the full extent of one of her more powerful attacks and it intimidated Jinta incredibly, she had nearly destroyed an entire area of the basement. Luckily, Kisuke was able to keep her attack from actually destroying everything. Jinta gulped nervously as he saw the destruction she caused, his face paling at the sight.

"Jinta, you look a little pale. Are you feeling okay?" Kuroki asked, "Yeah, no. I'm fine." Jinta said, smiling nervously.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Jinta waved his hand dismissively. Kuroki only nodded, turning her attention to Kisuke. "Kisuke," She started, "Yes?" Kisuke looked up from his book and looked down at her from the nearby boulder. "Is there a particular reason that you decided to take only me down here to train and not the others?" She looked up at Kisuke with her arms crossed, she had a feeling that he was keeping something from her. Before Kisuke answered her question, the door to the training area had been thrown open, and in rushed Ishihara.

"Ishihara, what are you doing down here? Is everything alright up there?" Kisuke asked, he noticed the disheveled appearance of the young man and could instantly tell something was wrong.

"No, we're in really big trouble!!"

"What's the matter?" Kuroki asked, Ishihara hesitated which frustrated Kuroki to no end. "Don't keep anything from me. I can tell something is wrong, spit it out!" Kuroki demanded, making him jump. "Ishihara, don't-" Kisuke stopped when Kuroki shot him a harsh glare, her eyes then shifted back to Ishihara and he could hardly take the intensity of her stare anymore. "There's a huge Menos Grande outside and the others need help! There was a huge flood of Hollows that showed up and that thing did!" He shouted, his hair becoming even more disheveled."What?!" Kuroki shouted in shock. "Oh this can't be good," Jinta and Ururu stood up. 

Everyone outside finally met up with one another back at the party store where they had left all their supplies. "Is everyone okay?" Ichigo asked, "Yeah, we're fine." Rei and Yukio nodded. "Does anyone have any clue as to who might have gotten all these hollows here?" Toshiro asked, "There's only one person I can think of." Rangiku said, "Seiji," Renji and Rukia said in unison, "Yeah." Byakuya's pager went off, catching everyone's attention. "Whose paging you, Captain?" Renji asked, "Toshihiro," Byakuya answered the pager, "What is it, Toshihiro? Is something wrong?" Byakuya's eyes widened as he heard what Toshihiro was telling him. "What is it?" Ichigo asked, "There's a Menos Grande on the loose." Everyone froze when they heard this, it seemed like things were only going to get more complicated.

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