Christmas Special 2023

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Kuroki's pov

We had just finished decorating the beach house that belonged to Rei and Yukio, we would be spending Christmas here with some of our friends and even some of the captains from the Soul Society. One new addition to the group was Captain Sui Feng, she was forced to spend Christmas with us by Yoruichi. Sadly, Yumichika, Izuru, and Ikkaku would not spend Christmas with us this time because they had some things to take care of. In a way, I was relieved to not have Ikkaku around this Christmas, especially since we never get along at all. At the moment, Rei, Yukio, Ichigo, Renji, Rukia, Karin, Yuzu, Dad, and I were getting last-minute gift shopping done and it was seriously overcrowded at the mall. There were a lot of people that we needed to get gifts for and we were on a slight time crunch as we needed to start cooking Christmas dinner. I was surprised that the mall was still open, but I think what was scary was how crazy people get when Christmas shopping. Renji adjusted his Santa hat, standing close to me as we all stood together in front of the mall. "I can't believe we're doing this. We must be out of our minds." He said, "Oh, come on, Renji. It'll be fun. Just think of all the ridiculous gifts we can find for each other." Rukia rolled her eyes, I had to agree with her. I had some ideas for the silliest gifts that I could buy for Dad and Ichigo, I thought of more meaningful gifts for Karin and Yuzu. "I'm still recovering from last year's presents. Remember that singing fish, dad?" Ichigo quipped grimacing, I made the same face as he did. "The best gift you've ever received, Ichigo! I'll never top that." Dad smiled, "I somehow don't believe that. That was the worst gift you could have ever given somebody." I said, "Yeah, Dad." Ichigo nodded, and Karin just laughed at Dad. "I think this year I'll just stick to getting everyone socks. Boring, but at least it's practical." She said, I ruffled her hair and laughed.

 "I love getting socks. They're so cozy." Yuzu smiled. 

 Rei checked his list, "Alright, let's split up and conquer this place. We'll meet back here in an hour for lunch at the food court. And no getting distracted by the sales, Mr. Kurosaki!" He remembered how last year's Christmas shopping had gone, we had to drag Dad away from the sales tables after we found him fighting someone over the singing fish he got Ichigo. Dad just smiled at Rei, "No promises, Rei!" He smiled, "I can see it now.. Dad definitely is going to cave into a sale." Karin said, "Yeah, I agree." 

"Let's hope that he doesn't get something stupid this time." 

The group dispersed, leaving a trail of chaos in their wake as they weaved through the packed stores. Renji and Rukia ended up in the kitchenware section, arguing over the merits of a giant inflatable turkey. Rukia thought that it was the stupidest thing that someone could buy, she wasn't sure why they were even selling these. "This thing is massive, Rukia. You could fit inside it. So could Kuro." Renj stated, crossing his arms. Rukia just smirked at Renji, "And you'd be the first one to fall for it, Renji. No, we are not getting that monstrosity. And no, you cannot fit either of us in there. Kuroki would kill you if you tried." Rukia said, "Aw come on." 

"No, Renji." 

"Fine," The two left the kitchenware section, finding a new store to venture to. 

 Meanwhile, Ichigo, Yukio, and Rei found themselves in the toy section, trying to choose gifts for Karin and Yuzu. Ichigo had no clue what to get his younger twin sisters, so he asked Rei for help. Rei was very observant so he knew what the two youngest Kurosaki siblings actually liked. Yukio on the other hand wasn't too much help, he just decided to tag along. Ichigo searched through the pile of toys in front of him, "Do you think this is too violent for an 11-year-old?" He asked, holding up a toy sword. Yukio shook his head and shrugged, "It's no worse than that doll that cries real tears. And Karin is just as violent as Kuro is. So I say just go for it." Yukio said, Rei smacked his brother on the back of the head making him wince. "What was that for?!" Yukio held the spot his twin hit, he looked at Rei with big eyes. "Because Karin and Yuzu don't play with swords or sharp objects. Yuzu likes sentimental gifts and clothes while Karin is more of a sports girl. She plays soccer, right?" Rei looked at Ichigo, who nodded. 

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