Chapter 41: Yoruichi takes Ichigo and Kuroki to train!

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Kuroki's pov

I ran forward with my sword positioned in front of me, "No, thank you." I kicked a soul reaper in the stomach and flipped over the other one. "Hey, stop going after my men!" Toshiro yelled, becoming irritated with me. "Well, then tell your men to stop attacking me. This fight was supposed to be between us not me, you and your men." I retorted, "Men, step down." Toshiro ordered, taking in what I said into account. "But Captain, we can't let you fight her yourself. She's too dangerous." More soul reapers rebelled, "Oh would you look at that? I guess they don't want to listen to you now, Shiro." I smirked at him and an irk mark popped up on his forehead. "Stop calling me that!" He rushed forward at me and we clashed swords. We stood like that for two minutes, until a soul reaper hit the ground out of exhaustion and we jumped apart.

"Thinking you could take down a captain won't be as easy as you think." Toshiro scolded, "Don't scold me! Tsumetai chirā!" He blocked my attack with his sword, but was pushed back into a wall. "Hado #73 Soren Sokatsui!" I blocked it with the sheath but it didn't work, I was sent flying back into the crowd of gathering soul reapers. "Will you get out of the way, Damn it?!!" I flung the attack Toshiro sent at me at the other soul reapers, making them scramble. Most of them were hit, while others managed to get away in time.

"Keep your eyes on your opponent!!" He attacked, but I was able to hold off his sword with Yuki. "Yuki, do you have another plan? I'm trying to get away from him, not fight him." I clenched my teeth and wrapped my hands tighter around him, so that I could keep a good grip on Yuki's hilt. "Use the new technique I told you about. Maybe you could distract him that way to get away. My only warning is that you shouldn't use it more than three times." Yuki stated, sounding precautious. "Why? What happens if I use it more than three times?" I asked him curiously, "It drains your spirit energy and it hurts you each time. This attack was only meant to be fired three times." Yuki said as I looked into Toshiro's eyes, they were cold and he seemed very strict. "I see that you're talking to your zanpakuto." He said with an intense look on his face as he jumped back, "How did you know?" I fixed my stance, "I could see it." He said, "Haiperion no bakudan!" I shot several ice blasts at him, but he responded quickly by dodging each one. He disappeared but I couldn't track him at all, I looked around the entire court we had been fighting in. Half of the buildings and walls near us were completely destroyed because of our fighting. The other soul reapers were sitting by some of the destroyed building watching our fight, the fight between their captain and an intruder. I suddenly felt a slash across my back, causing me yelp in pain.

"Damn it, he got me good." I said to myself, as I felt the blood rushing down my back.

"Can you keep up with me?" He asked, his voice echoing throughout the place.

"Kuro, you can keep up with him. Remember in our training, I taught you most of what I know about flash stepping. Besides when you find Yoruichi, she'll most likely teach you better than I can." Yuki made me realize that I needed to find her.

"Thanks Yuki, but how do you suppose I could stop Toshiro from coming after me?" I asked him, "Uhhh..... I'll get back to you on that!" He stated, disappearing without a trace. "Yuki?!! Yuki, are you listening to me? How am I supposed to do this on my own without you?!!" I yelled, not realizing that I shouted it out loud.

"God Damn it, Yuki?!!! Are you listening to me?!!! Get back here!! You're supposed to be helping me, not running away and not helping, while I'm in serious trouble!! Get back here!" I yelled at my sword, "So you had a fight with your zanpakuto, I see?" Toshiro raised an eyebrow as he looked at me, making me gape at him. "Don't raise your eye brow at me! I don't have to answer to you Damn it!!" I yelled at Toshiro, while the other soul reapers laughed. "Tsumetai shimo! Tsumetai chirā!" I shouted but I was shot several times by kido blasts coming from Toshiro, I was bleeding pretty bad and I barely could stand up. Somehow with all the smoke and chaos going on I was able to get away from him, I ran as fast as I could away from the area and concealed my spiritual pressure but that's when I felt Ichigo's spiritual pressure drop. It was so low and that honestly scared me to death, I wouldn't forgive myself if something bad happened to him.

"Ichigo, no. No, ichigo. You can't go on me. Ichigo, please be alive. I'm coming." I flash stepped towards the area that we previously were, before Ichigo and I argued about me leaving.

I finally got to the place and what I saw was horrible, I choked on my spit seeing Kenpachi as badly as he was. Ichigo was bleeding just as bad, maybe even worse than Kenpachi and he was barely breathing. Tears formed in my eyes and I dropped to my knees, "Ichigo, please say something. Please you can't die on me, not now. Please say something." I cried as I shook him, but that only caused blood to pool around my legs. I felt so helpless and so weak because of the fight with Toshiro, I was beginning to feel the effects of the fight.

"Yuki, what do I do? Other soul reapers are coming here, but I'm to weak to stand up. I can't drag him away from here. What do I do?" I started crying, I couldn't do anything to help him. "It's okay. Calm down. Just get some rest, I'm sure Yoruichi might find you." Yuki suggested and I tried to stand up, but I couldn't move. I suddenly felt weak and I fell forward, the last thing I saw before blacking out was a pair of feet.

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