Chapter 22: Homely Approval

Start from the beginning

 She sighed as he traced her high cheekbones before helping her to get her top on. "I missed you," She blushed but managed to smile right through it as he kissed her trembling lips. They knew it was harder to think when they added things like this to the mix. The kissed deepened and she leaned against her desk for support.

 "I missed you more...but your babies are hungry. Feed their momma," She joked just as her stomach churned.

 "How about we eat on the go, I want to show you something," He held her hand stroking the sensitive area between her index finger and thumb. She nodded, grabbing her bag and following him out of the bakery, giving the keys to one of her employees to lock up for her in case she was out for a while. 

She tried to keep her attention on the road while they drived but her stomach kept telling her she was going to rip out his throat if he didn't feed her. She reached into her handbag and found a leftover cookie from earlier, munching on it.

 "Just a few minutes longer," 

 When they reached Subway, he paid for it dearly. She ordered three footlongs for herself leaving him to fend for himself. "Can I get a nibble?" He asked only to get the evil glare of death.


He laughed ordering another sandwich for himself walking back to the car. By that time, she had already polished off her first sandwich and was starting on another. "Where are we going?" She asked when she was full, eating only two of the sandwiches saving the other for later. She was curious as hell since she never knew what to expect with him. She knew they were going in the opposite direction from the airport so she figured they weren't going out the country again.

They drove for almost fitteen minutes before they stopped in front of a magnificent house.She got out to stretch her legs, looking around curiously. It reeked of Southern to her, but there was a modern twist to it, almost as if it was a Southern home trying to be Hollywood. "This is beautiful," The gates were opened and she drifted inside looking around like a kid in a candy store. Even though the house was well maintained, there was no sign of anyone living there.

  "It's the perfect place to raise a family," He teased giving her a guided tour of the home, laughing when she squealed at the bathroom which was twice the size of the one  at the penthouse and at her home. It had a jacuzzi, clawfoot tub ,a standing shower big enough for two and enough space for all of her stuff.

 "It's gorgeous but why are we here?" She asked looking up at him.

 "I sold the bachelor pad,"

She groaned. She actually liked it there, after she went in and got rid of all his guy stuff and shoved it into the spare room. "But where are you going to stay now?" He smiled evily holding up the keys to what she assumed was his new abode.

"I bought this house...for us. The other house was just about me. It's not all about me anymore. Right now its about you and our children. I don't want to have them growing up in the penthouse, running through the hotel. Its not a home. I hope we can make this place one. Will you move in with me?" He asked looking nervous for the first time.

 "Of course. I'm with you for the long haul baby," She smiled wrapping her arms around his neck. No one had ever bought anything on this scale for her with her happiness in mind.

"Good because you're mine and I'm never letting you go,"

"I don't plan on going anywhere," She giggled as he lifted her off her feet carrying her to the master bedroom to christen their new home.

Alice watched as Oliver worked on his new home, smiling at the determination on his face. A few weeks ago, a distant relative of his died and left him a small fortune. But instead of being stupid and blowing it like some losers would, he bought a farm house and some land, ready to get away from the confusion of the city.

She looked down at the glistening band on her hand and smiled. As of two weeks, Oliver wasn't her boyfriend. He was her husband.  They had run off to Vegas on a spur of the moment impulse and tied the knot. Even now, she couldn't get over the finality of it. If she was still going to die, she wanted to be married to him, to be completely happy.

 So for two weeks, she was spending her days with Oliver and sleeping at home. He didn't mind at first but now it was becoming evident that he was. "When are you going to tell them?" He asked looking at her and smiling. He was sweaty and she used the towel in her lap to wipe the droplets from his forehead.

"Tomorrow, they invited us for lunch. I figure it's as good a time as any," She wrapped her arms around him, still loving the feeling of being in his arms. It still felt new to her but she cherished that feeling.

"I hope they don't murder us," She had turned eighteen. She didn't need their permission but she was hoping they'd support their decision.

 He kissed her softly, settling her nerves if only for a minute. "They won't," He flicked his fingers over her short pixie crop which was a few shades lighter than her old hair color. "Have I told you how much I love you recently Ms Jackson?" He asked smiling down at her.

 "Not recently no," She was lying. He'd said it to her this morning when she made his favorite breakfast.

 "Well I love you. I always have and I always will. In life and in death," He kissed her passionately his fingers working on the small tiny black buttons of her yellow sundress. He cursed loudly as his fingers kept slipping.

"You have to do it slowly," She grinned at the look of defeat on his face. Since coming off the chemo she had been putting back on some of the weight she lost and he was really showing his appreciation these days.

 "You wear a dress like this and you expect me to be a patient groom,"

"I'm worth it,"

She smiled at the look when he succeeded.

"I love you Mr Jackson," 

(Yay another chapter out. I worked super hard on this one since I had no inspiration to write for the last few days. We're almost at the end of the book. I can't wait. I won't tell you how many chapters it's getting. hehe i'm evil. Now comment of i go pregnant cassie on you)

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