Chapter 14: Love and Revenge 1/2

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(This chapter is all about Alice and Ollie and some of the other characters I haven't introduced yet)

Ollie promised he would do two things for Alice but they were becoming harder to do. The first thing was no biggie, he wanted to expose her ex for the lying cheating rat that he was but the second part took much more encouragement. Even now as he drove her to her chemo session, he was sweating bullets. She'd be in pain for almost an hour while she was undergoing treatment and it pained him. She squeezed his hand tight as they arrived at the hospital.

  "You sure you want to do this. I can call my mom instead," She was out of the car in a flash, wearing her bunny slippers, which usually made her feel more calm, the ones he had gotten her a few years previously as a birthday present during her "Bunny" period. In her arms was a giant stuffed bunny, which he had gotten her yesterday after a trip to the amusement park. It'd only taken him three dollars to win it for her and the smile on her face had been priceless. He wanted to do anything to make her happy...he didn't know how much longer she had left.

  The thought of losing her...especially when they had just gotten together scared him. 

"C'mere you," She smiled hugging him tight, standing on his toes lightly. She weighed as much as a feather and she laughed remembering when they did the same thing when they were younger. She was much shorter than he was, being 5"5 and he an impressive 6"2 so she often would stand on his feet so she didn't look like a midget oompa loompa.

    "I love you," 

 "I love you too," He kissed her, trying to be her strength, every kiss making up for all those years when he wanted her but couldn't have her as his own.

"Will you love me when I'm sick and weak?"

He nodded.

"I've already lost my hair but will you love me when I can't move without being in pain,"

He nodded again touching her cheek lightly. Even in sickness, she was gorgeous. The chemo took away only the part of her that people fawned over. He still saw his best friend, a little more frail than usual but still the girl who captured his heart, the first day of preschool.

"A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you" He smiled catching the tears falling from her eyes. He pulled her close, looking off in the distance. He looked off into the distance, loving the feel of her cradled in his arms. He'd keep her safe. He wouldn't let her die... 

 "I love you, you are my only reason to stay alive, if that's what I am..." ( qoute from twilight new moon)He cringed remembering how he was made to suffer through that movie. He had gone and put in Van Helsing immediately after to show her what real vampires were like. She had sulked and called him mean. Then had hit him during his rant, knocking him over. He learned never to disagree with her again.

"I hate that movie,"

"I know you do,"

 He scowled when he saw one of the nurses, walking across to them, knowing it was the time for him to let go. Even as the older woman sat her down in a wheelchair, she held onto his hand and the bunny as they went through the hospital. When the nurse tried to take the bunny from her, she looked like she was going to punch her light's out. He pulled the older woman aside for a second and folding his arms in front of his chest.

"Isn't there someway she could keep it. She's already deathly scared of this treatment today," He negotiated wit hthe woman until she caved. They found a transparent bag and somehow got the overgrown toy into it, giving it back to a delighted Alice.

"This is the first present you got me since we started dating. I don't want to let it go," She smiled as the nurse wheeled her into the room. From where he was standing he could see into the room, through the privacy mirror between them. Family members weren't allowed into the room for the first cycle but were usually allowed in during the third cycle later in the day when they would add the morphine to make her more comfortable.

He couldn't be a man about it as he watched the poison flow into her body, the restraint on her arm preventing her from pulling it out. He paced, walking away from the room for a few minutes but he couldn't stay away. It was tearing him up inside to watch her in this sort of pain, and he realized at that point he was in tears, hot, angry tears.

 It was only when he felt himself being encased by a smaller frame that he was aware of life going on around him. Alice's mother and father stood behind him with tears in their eyes as well. "How are you holding up kiddo?" Her father asked. The older man looked as if he had aged ten years in the weeks since Alice's diagnosis. 

 "I'm as okay as can be expected," He older man pulled him in for a bearhug. He tried not to crumble as all of them did. They needed to be strong for Alice, their strength was keeping her positive.

 Alice's parents felt more like his own, especially after his parents divorced when he was in junior high. He spent the months leading up to the divorce, camped out on the Gillies' couch doing anything to get away from going home to constant arguing.

  "She's going to be alright Oliver. She's a fighter,"

For once in his life he couldn't believe them

(I'm sleepy so this is going to be short)

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