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third person pov

(a/n: this chapter's a yoonmin special, so skip if you don't have taste)

yoongi grinned ear to ear, watching jinyoung enter the café.

he frantically waved his hand, motioning jinyoung to sit in front of him.

the elder obeyed his demand & felt awfully surprised at how exuberant yoongi seemed.

"so, did you win the lottery, or? i swear, i've never seen you this electrified," jinyoung started, slightly confused.

"i'm proposing to jimin," he blurted out, voice higher than intended.

jinyoung sniggered, causing the older to tilt his head in perplexion.

"uh, what's the joke?"

"you've only been dating jimin for a few months & you're already starting to advance to that stage? oh, & not to mention, you two are literally still in high school," jinyoung informed, finally composing himself.

"uh, so? i love him & the feelings are mutual, meaning that our ages are nothing but a number."
(a/n: this line gave me r. kelly vibes & i'm seriously on the verge of vomiting 😔👌🏿)

"uh, are you listening to yourself? you'd have to plan the wedding for months, spend millions of won, notify his & your parents...oh, & he'd have to say yes. yoongi, just look at the logistics."

yoongi huffed, listening to the younger state the painful truth.

"i-i have the ring."


"the ring i was using to propose to jimin? yeah, it's in my back coat pocket. i was planning on swooning him over today, but of course you just had to—"

"gift it to him as a promise ring," jinyoung interjected, flashing a smile.

"a what?"

"a promise ring. it isn't as significant as an engagement ring, but it's a huge sign of commitment. it's usually the first token of a serious relationship that's just developing."

before yoongi could protest, jinyoung held the elder's hands from across the table & delineated the plan, not missing a single detail.

jimin neared the café, not even bothering to stifle his grin.

his crescent-shaped eyes & slightly crooked, yet adorable smile were on display as his thoughts were filled with yoongi...just yoongi.

yesterday, the black-haired male had informed jimin about a surprise he had for the younger.

yoongi's surprises were always over the top, causing jimin to currently be in an anticipated mood.

jimin eventually reached his destination, instantly noticing his boyfriend with an unfamiliar boy.

the cheerful expression on his face immediately disappeared after he scrutinized the unknown boy's physical appearance.

dark hair, thick eyebrows, large ears, plump lips—

...jinyoung, the ex.

the orange-haired boy trembled, feeling his tears well up as he stared at the two males holding hands.

jinyoung pointed to the easily recognizable boy through the window, & yoongi ran towards him, excited to wow him.

he swiftly opened the door & put his arm around jimin's shoulders.

"hey, kitten, why aren't you inside ye—"

"that's jinyoung, no?" jimin emotionlessly intervened, harshly removing yoongi's arm from his shoulder.

yoongi was taken aback by the younger's sudden response.

"yeah, what's wrong?"

"h-he's your ex...nobody speaks to their ex."

"wait, you still feel insecure about him? jimin, for the fourth time, we're just friends. this might be hard to believe, but we were actually chatting about you."

"you two are just 'friends,' yet you were holding his hands ever so intimately a few minutes ago? yeah, your actions say otherwise."

"jimin, please listen to me. today, i was planning on giving you a pr—"

"let me guess, a promise ring? so, now you're lying, huh? save that supposed ring for jinyoung – i'm sure he'd appreciate it," jimin muttered with his voice cracking.

"baby, n—"

"don't baby me, ok? save those adorable, adorable pet names for jinyoung since i'm obviously not adequate enough for your love. bye, min yoongi. please don't contact me."

yoongi mentally sighed at jimin's hardheadedness.

before the elder could respond, jimin left his sight.

he never calls me by my birth name, he thought, unable to accept what occurred.

little did the two men know, jinyoung was watching the scene take place, slyly smirking.

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