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third person pov ∞

"you ready?" jimin whispered in a secretive manner, discreetly watching suho turn the hallway's corner.

"yeah, i guess. so, you want me introduce myself to him then within five minutes, make out with him? genius, aren't you?" the younger remarked with a hint of sarcasm, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"well, if you put it like that—"

suho approached the two individuals.

i mean, he isn't that bad looking, tae thought, slightly widening his eyes in astonishment.

"hey, jimin," he greeted, instantly standing beside the small boy.

hm, he has a nice smile too? it's not much compared to jungkook's bunny smile, but i guess it'll suffice.

"hey, hyung. i don't know if you've met my friend, but he's a new addition to this school. this is taehyung," he informed, pointing a small, chubby finger toward the dirty blonde's direction.

taehyung fought the urge to roll his eyes at jimin's way of introducing.

"h-hi, sehun," tae stammered, grinning ear to ear.

"um, aha, my name is suho...not sehun."

"what the fuck?!" jimin mouthed at tae for his minor slip up.

"o-oh, im sorry. i was just so in awe with your appearance that i forgot your name."

tae mentally slapped himself for that corny line, but he needed a cover up.

"i could say the same thing myself, but your name is also beautiful so there's no way i could forget it," suho responded in a sweet voice.


"aw, thank you," taehyung replied, forcing a blush onto himself.

"well, you two seem to be enjoying each other's company, so im just gonna go else where. have fun," jimin interrupted, walking away while smirking.

suho & the dirty blonde conversed for a few more minutes until jimin, at the end of the hall, gestured that jungkook was coming their way. 

"quick, let's go to the bathroom," taehyung whispered, grabbing suho's wrist & pulling him with him.

"push me against the wall," he whisper-shouted to suho.


"shut up, just push me against the wall!"

suho followed his order & pushed him against the wall. taehyumg heard footsteps & knowing it was jungkook, he internally panicked.

"quick, just kiss me."

unhesitant, suho pulled taehyung into a kiss & grabbed his waist while doing so.

jungkook abruptly walked in, twitching at the sight of the make out session but yet again,
quickly returning back to his normal state.

the dirty blonde & suho simultaneously turned their heads.

taehyung internally smirked, waiting for a reaction.

"get a fucking room," jungkook said in a nonchalant tone, avoiding eye contact with both of them while entering a stall.

why didn't he react? tae thought, mentally sighing.

taehyung quickly ran out of the restroom but was blocked by jimin in the hallway.

"so, tell did it go?" jimin asked, slurring his words with a smirk.

"ugh, you dumbass. what possessed you to tell me that he had feelings in the first place?"


"wait, no, i'm the dumbass for believing, & befriending you in the first place."

"wait, what? could you please tell me what went down?" jimin inquired, replacing his smirk with a frown.

"he didn't fucking get jealous, jimin. for heaven's sakes, he didn't even look at us. the next time you try to lead someone on, at least know your facts," taehyung muttered, brushing shoulders with jimin while walking away.

"taehyung, please wai-"

"j-just stay the hell away from me before i do something i regret. please," taehyung pleaded.

jungkook left the stall, clenching his fists in agitation.

suho sympathetically glanced at jungkook.

"jungkook, im sorry you had to witness that. i don't know if you've noticed but that taehyung dude is hot as fu-,"

jungkook silenced him with a fist to the nose.


jungkook punched suho again, but in the abdomen.

"p-please...stop, it h-hurts," suho begged, wincing in immense pain.

"there's more where that came from, you perverted piece of shit. stay away from taehyung or your family will be picking out a casket for you," jungkook warned.

with a blank expression, the ravenette casually washed suho's blood from his hands, dried them, & threw the paper towel at suho instead of in the trash bin.

jungkook left the restroom, smiling as if nothing ever happened.

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