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third person pov ∞

jungkook slumped in his favorite armchair & threw his backpack on the coffee table; heavily groaning in indecisiveness.

ugh, should i initiate a conversation?

should i address my shitty behavior a few days back?

should i apologize & acknowledge the fact that might actually have feelin—

my muscle bun 🥺💘: sO...long time, no see

my personal bottom <333: lmao i love how ur texting me as if we're friends

my muscle bun 🥺💘: pls just hear me out. i'm rlly sorry for my behavior the other day...i just wanted to impress my friends lmao

my personal bottom <333: so u tried to impress ur friends by treating me like shit? & by touching that girl's butt & making out with another female seconds later? hm, it certainly worked ;)

my muscle bun 🥺💘: tae...pls don't perceive me to be some perverted fuck boy. i'm the same jungkook that you've been texting for the past months :/

my personal bottom <333: lmfao idec about that, i just don't wanna be one of ur toys. if ur hobby is to manipulate random people into thinking there's something going on & randomly cutting them off, then i'll pass.

my muscle bun 🥺💘: uh, ur one to talk. i doubt u even like that dude u were making out with earlier today. sjsjsjsj don't even try to victimize urself when ur in the wrong also

my personal bottom <333: why do u even care? u surely seemed unfazed by it when u caught us. & you've decided to pull that card now that i've called u out on ur bullshit? goodnight streaks

my muscle bun 🥺💘: u know what? fuck this. oh & by the way, u looked like a horrible kisser. good thing i never had to experience that dirty shit.


my personal bottom <333: no, it's fine. i just hope u choke on the shit u talk. like i said, gn ;)

read 11:23 PM

although taehyung appeared poised, he kept replaying jungkook's last text message in his mind.

tears fell from the dirty blonde's eyes as he quickly changed jungkook's contact name to "asshole."

grabbing his tata plushie, the corrupted one held it tight against his chest.

"guess you're the only thing i have left, right?" taehyung whimpered in acceptance.

noticing how miserable he appeared speaking to a plush, he instantly threw the stuffed toy near the edge of his bed.

"shit," jungkook groaned, falling back on his bed.

what was i thinking?

how could i lie so easily?

he looked like a beautiful kisser.

how did i even bring myself to look away?

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