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third person pov

jungkook arrived at the park and formed a smug expression on his face as he caught sight of a panicked chanyeol.

"hey," jungkook greeted, casually taking a seat next to the elder on the bench.

"oh, it's you. hello, jungkook," chanyeol replied, plastering a disingenuous smile on his face.

"well, i have something to propose."

"ok, well this 'proposal' of yours better hurry because i'm meeting up with a friend soon."

"let me guess, suho? yeah, don't expect him," jungkook murmured, chuckling to himself.

"wait, what? what the fuck did you do to him?"

"don't worry, it's nothing he doesn't deserve," jungkook responded, giving him a reassuring smile.
(a/n: double negative? idc)

chanyeol quickly rose up but failed to leave due to jungkook's secure grip on his wrist.

"i don't know what the fuck you want, but release my wrist out of your grip."

"try leaving taehyung alone, yeah?"

"oh, so that's what this is all about? why the fuck would you care if your relationship with him is just a sham?" chanyeol replied, squinting out of confusion.

"s-sham? what do you mean?"

"jungkook, everyone knows that behind closed doors, you don't even have feelings for taehyung. it's obvious that the relationship isn't genuine; plus, word spreads fast. so no, i won't leave taehyung alone."

jungkook gritted his teeth at the older defying his order.

"if i didn't like taehyung, i wouldn't be on the verge of beating your ass. so, im going to repeat myself once more – leave taehyung alone."

chanyeol chuckled.

"& what are you going to do if i choose not to?"

the younger silenced chanyeol with a punch on his nose, ignoring the pain of the few punches he threw, thanks to his adrenaline.

chanyeol grunted in pain, building up all his anger to grab jungkook & slam him onto the concrete.

chanyeol punched jungkook in the cheek, pinning down the arms of the younger so there was no room for escape.

"motherfucker," jungkook whispered, kneeing him in the groin so chanyeol had no other choice but to wince in pain.

chanyeol had a remarkably swift recovery, quickly standing up & kicking jungkook in his side.

"fuck, stop," jungkook muttered within heavy pants.

after three attempts, jungkook finally succeeded in pulling the older down.

since chanyeol's height was an advantage, the pressure applied onto jungkook after the elder fell on him almost caused him to black out.

before chanyeol could throw another punch, jungkook grabbed his wrist & remembered something –

the switchblade.

the younger quickly scrambled through his pocket & felt the metallic material.

"what the fuck, dude...," chanyeol whispered, slowly standing up & backing away from the sight of the blade.

"listen, i don't care what you want, just don't do anything with the knife. you'll regret it."

"i said to leave taehyung alone," jungkook responded, with gritted teeth.

"w-whatever man, just put the weapon back in your pocket. im sorry – i shouldn't have allowed it to go this far."

pussying out, i see?

jungkook put the miniature knife back in his pocket, knowing his job of intimidating the elder was finished.

chanyeol breathed a sigh of relief. his large eyes  were full of gratefulness.

"i know what you did to taehyung. he didn't want those fucking hickeys, so next time you even so try to do something as senseless as that, my switchblade will be stuck in your eye," jungkook threatened, slightly limping away due to the immense amount of pain on his side.

chanyeol sniggered as he noticed jungkook depart from the scene.

a fight wouldn't keep him away from the love of his life.

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