CH 34 - It Was His Name, Written In Her Tidy Scrawl

Start from the beginning

When they arrived on the corner of Privet Drive two hours later, Harry's hands started sweating. He had dressed in his new clothes and Draco was wearing his usual dark grey and green, his hair combed to perfection. Even Teddy had cleaned up well and was wearing a cheery Christmas-red romper. Harry knew Aunt Petunia would be peering through the curtains as they walked up so he didn't glance over as they got closer. They stopped at the mailbox and Draco leaned down and gave Harry a soft peck on the lips. Harry was glad that he had come along but he was worried about what Aunt Petunia would think and how she would treat Draco if she saw the two of them kissing. She would probably faint right on the carpet.

"It's not too late to turn back, Harry. Just say the word."

"I know. I'm okay though." He squeezed Draco's arm and straightened Teddy's hat. He looked at the house, the place he had lived for so many years of his life. The place he had lived but had never called home. He took another deep breath, watched the curtains flutter, and led their small group up the walkway. He wondered if Dudley was home as he knocked on the front door. Draco looked down at him and Teddy smiled, relaxing Harry somewhat. They only had to wait a moment before they could hear her heeled shoes clicking on the floor and the door opened, Petunia standing alone. She had a smile on her face but it was pinched as she looked between them.

"Hello, Harry. Thank you for coming." She inclined her head at them and stepped back so they could enter. Harry stood back and motioned for Draco to go inside with Teddy and he gently placed his hand on his back as he followed him in. He was flooded with memories and his eyes lingered over the cupboard door under the stairs, the locks still bolted to the wall. He looked back and saw Draco staring at the cupboard as well, his eyes narrowed so slightly that only Harry could tell.

"Aunt Petunia, this is Draco Malfoy." He decided not to go any farther. He didn't want to divulge anything about their relationship to her and ruin the chance to find out why she had invited him back.

"It's nice to formally meet you, ma'am. Thank you for the invitation. I hope you've had a happy Christmas," he added, extending his free hand and offering a sweetly charming smile. Petunia took his hand and shook politely, obviously impressed by Draco's manners and good breeding.

"And this is Teddy Lupin," Harry added. "He's my godson, and Draco's nephew." He ran his finger along Teddy's cheek which elicited a small giggle from him. Draco took his hat off and Petunia looked at his teal colored hair with wide eyes, but she didn't remark on it. Draco ruffled his fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead.

"His mother was my cousin and his father was our teacher, and a very dear person to Harry. They were both killed in our war," he said faintly and he looked at Harry and smiled. "We are trying our best to help my aunt and my mother raise him." He winked down at Harry who smiled. A flicker of grief flashed across Petunia's face but she recovered quickly.

"He's a handsome little boy," she said hesitantly. "Let me take your coats please." Harry helped Draco get Teddy out of his and they passed them over. She laid them on a bench and led the way into the sitting room. This was the last place he had seen Mad-Eye Moody, and he grinned to himself when he thought about Fred and George dropping the toffee for Dudley. Draco put Teddy's bag on the floor and gently sat down with him. Harry took a seat on the sofa next to them and started tapping his foot while they all watched each other for a minute.

"I'm sure you must be wondering why I asked you to come today."

"Yes, actually I am. I was a little shocked when I received your letter this morning."

"I understand. Well, I have a few things to say to you and a few things to give you as well." She twisted her hands and then abruptly stood up and went upstairs. Harry raised his eyebrows and sighed.

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