An Appointment (Chapter 30)

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You have an appointment today, Amy reads the notification on her phone with a sigh the next day. She could accept it but she wondered if so did everyone else.

They do Amy. They're looking out for you by making sure you're healthy, Amy tries to convince herself. You're the only mage to have this type of makes sense that everyone is thrown off guard.

Amy glances over at the sleeping Sasha. Ever since yesterday, Sasha hasn't left the bed and Amy was starting to get worried.

"Hey, Sasha, wake up," Amy shakes the sleeping teen's shoulder gently.

"Just a few more minutes..." Sasha mumbles. Amy presses the back of her palm against Sasha's forehead and it feels normal.

"What is up with you..? Are you okay?" Amy asks.

"I just need some sleep...that's all," Sasha mumbles as she pulls the blanket over her. "Besides...don't you have to prepare for your test? The prophecy said you have a test."

"You're delusional, maybe you're ill," Amy ponders. "But I've got an appointment at the Magic Council building..."

"Alright, just a second..." Sasha grumbles as she heaves herself out of bed. She then drags herself over to the bathroom and Amy feels guilty.

"Maybe I'll just cancel...Sasha doesn't look okay," Amy stares at the notification. "Yeah. Her health prioritizes over some silly appointment."

With a firm nod, Amy goes into her Magic Space to let the Magic Council know that she wasn't going to be able to make it. Amy comes back to see Sasha yawning and trying to pour milk into her cereal.

"Oh my gosh!" Amy quickly rushes over and takes the carton out of Sasha's hands before the bowel overflowed.

"Sorry..." Sasha mumbles, rubbing her eyes. "Ugh, I never feel this tired."

Excess fatigue.

Sasha's eyes widen as she remembers that statement. It was eerily becoming true. So...that leaves getting captured next.

"Maybe you've come down with something," Amy feels Sasha's forehead again. "Jamil's on his way to make breakfast, I'll ask if he knows."

Sasha nods, too tired to really give any sort of reply back. There's a knock on the door and Amy goes to open it.

"Good morning Amy and Sasha!" Jamil smiles brightly.

"Morning," Amy smiles back. "Come on in."

Jamil steps in and Sasha musters the energy to wave at Owen's brother. He waves back, finding it strange that Sasha looked tired.

"You okay?" Jamil questions. Sasha nods, her eyes shutting. "Clearly not. First off, you need to eat a proper breakfast. Cereal isn't good. I'm going to use your kitchen Amy."

"Go right ahead," Amy replies, looking at Sasha, feeling worried. Jamil gets to work, cutting up fruits and cooking chick peas.

"I'm going to rest on the couch," Sasha mumbles, shuffling over to the couch and lying down on it.

"Do you think she's come down with something?" Amy asks Jamil, who's now making parathas.

"It's likely. It seems like her body's drained of something," Jamil answers and suddenly it hits Amy.

Of course! Magic energy! I'll tell Sensei because if Sasha is like this then the others must be too...Amy could feel herself worrying for the teens.


"Brenton, Brenton come on. We will be late to pick up Owen from the airport," Ku nudges the red-head gently.

Elements: Four Me (Book 4)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن