Parting Ways (Chapter 27)

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Everyone stands in front of the silver car that Ku owns. The only people going into the actual car are Alex and Owen.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Alex!" Ava cries out, hugging him and kissing his cheek.

"I'm gonna miss you too Ava! We've never been away from each other for more than a day!" Alex gently wipes away Ava's small tears then kisses her cheek.

"I swear when we call them out they're gonna be like, 'oh, we've always been dating. You guys didn't know?' Like bet," Sasha crosses her arms.

"You just want to have a cute relationship like that with someone that's full of love," Urana grins.

"I do want a cute relationship like that with someone that's full of love," Sasha grumbles under her breath. "But it can't just be get my drift?"

"My gosh Sasha," Urana rolls her eyes as Sasha laughs. "You and your dirty mind need to go somewhere."

"Apparently away from you. See ya when the coast is clear!" Sasha walks away towards Brenton. She already said her bye to Alex and Owen.

Urana already said bye to Alex but she waited until everyone was done to go over to Owen. He finishes up his conversation with Jamil and turns to look at her.

"Well, I guess I'll see you in a few days," Owen starts, putting his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah. It's gonna be boring just sitting at home with my parents all day," Urana shrugs, she didn't want to make it emotional when it wasn't. "Like who am I supposed to debate with now?"

"FaceTime me, I'll be there," Owen grins.

"You better, or I'll have your head when you come back," Urana laughs and Owen joins her.

"I kinda like my head, thanks. But yeah, it's gonna be strange leaving all of you for such a long time...I mean, it's been a year since we all first met but I can't imagine a day without all of you," Owen looks at the ground sheepishly.

"Yeah, who's gonna debate you? Annoy you? Make fun of you? Make sure you eat?" Urana grins.

"Don't worry, my cousin literally will not let me go without eating. I'm gonna gain ten pounds," Owen pats his stomach. "Gonna look like all the old uncles."

"Pfft, then I'll be more fit than you and that works for me," Urana laughs.

"Owen! We have to get going!" Ku calls out.

"Coming!" Owen replies, starting to walk past Urana. He pauses beside her for a moment. "I'm gonna miss you Urana."

It was so faint, Urana thought she was hearing things. By the time she turns around, Owen is already in the car.

I'm gonna miss you too Owen, Urana replies in her thoughts as she watches the car pull away.

"Hey sis, everything okay?" Brenton comes up next to her, resting his elbow on her shoulder.

"Yeah, just, never mind. I can't believe I won't see you either," Urana looks over at him.

"It's sucky but it's for the best. Besides, it's only for a few days. We'll all be back together before we know it," Brenton smiles at her.

"I hope so," Urana smiles back at her brother. His presence was comforting, but she kept it to herself, he must've heard it a lot.

"Well, don't do anything stupid okay? If you need to talk I'm literally a call away," Brenton stands straight.

"I know. Same goes for you," Urana grins.

"I'm gonna miss you all sooooo much!" Ava comes speeding to all of them, first hugging Sasha and giving her a kiss on the cheek, leaving Sasha surprised.

Elements: Four Me (Book 4)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon