Wake Up! (Chapter 24)

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"NO!" Ku wakes up, breathing heavily, his arm outstretched. He glances around to see that he's still at the hospital with Red still unconscious.

He relaxes since he wasn't in the place of his dreams. Ku wipes away the sweat on his face and grips his staff tighter.

Feeling tired again, Ku leans against the chair again and closes his eyes. He falls back into another deep sleep.

Ku finds himself fighting something. He swings his glowing staff around, the figure sliding around easily.

He frantically looks around, hoping for any sign of the mage he's looking for. He finds the mage fighting something just like him.

"Hiromi!" Ku runs towards her but the figure blocks his path. He tries his best to fight through but he couldn't.

"Stay safe Ku, I love you," the mage smiles at him, their foreheads touch and Ku reaches out to hold the mage's cheeks when she pushes him backwards.

"Hirmori!" Ku cries out again, he looks around to see himself once again surrounded by an unknown enemy. "Let me see her! Please!" Ku begs, his staff glowing bright gold.

"Sensei! Sensei!" Ku hears a foreign voice call out to him from somewhere beyond. "Wake up!"

"Please, just let me see her..." Ku begs again, more specifically to the voice. He feels someone shaking his shoulder.

Ku jolts awake to find Red shaking his shoulder, looking very much alive and worried.

"You are okay," Ku's watery smile forms as he hugs Red. "I get to see you again..."

"Sensei," Red hugs Ku back. "Do you really think I was gonna die? I've got WAY too many responsibilities for that."

"Haha," Ku laughs. "I am sorry for not being there Red-"

"-don't apologize. It's not your fault," Red scratches his wrists. "I was just really scared...she came out of nowhere..."

"I am supposed to protect you and I am failing miserably. I have had three of my loved ones in the hospital this past year alone," Ku sighs.

"Did you dream about it again?" Red questions.

Ku stays silent, feeling all sorts of emotions rise within him. He just wanted to keep everyone safe, but it just wasn't working.

"And that means that you did," Red offers a sympathetic smile. "Looks like you, me, and Amy all were destined with tragic love."

"It really does seem like it," Ku frowns. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel better, just itchy everywhere," Red itches his wrists again. "What're the doctors saying?"

"Your immune system is gone," Ku answers. "So you will now need medicine daily, but that is no problem, I know you will be fine."

"It could've been worse," Red runs a hand through his hair. "I'll live."

"You will," Ku nods his head. "I will go tell everyone that you are okay." Ku takes out his phone and sends a text. "Do you want to be like Amy and send 'I live mother-effers?' Or some other nonsense like that?"

"That's such an Amy thing," Red laughs. "But no. I don't want to, I think I've worried everyone enough already."


"Red's okay!" Amy cheers in her Magic Space. Without thinking, she jumps out of it and jumps up and down with excitement. "He's really okay! Jamil, my brother's okay!"

With a bright smile on her face, Amy jumps onto him, making him fall to the floor. After a second, she realizes what she's done and Amy quickly gets up. She then helps up Jamil.

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