I Said Some Really Bad Things...(Chapter 16)

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Amy didn't want to hear it. She didn't want to hear the screams of Red, Scott yelling out, Rohan sobbing or Quill crying. She didn't want to see Ku pushing them all to save them. Most of all...

She didn't want to witness Aster's death.

Amy jolts awake in the middle of the night, panting as sweat pouts down her face. She wipes it off only to find it being replaced by double the amount.

It's just a nightmare...calm down Amy, she shakes her head, quickly glancing around her and seeing everyone sleeping. Only Red looks troubled.

Gosh, why did Madison decide to show up? Better yet, how did she escape? She must've had help somehow...just like how Katso came back to life.

Just like how Nyx rose back to power...how Wysteria learned her magic and why Vada went down the dark path...Amy shakes her head.

It could be anybody and different mages that helped out. It's not necessary that they're all the same mage.

Amy curls up into a ball, unable to close her eyes. Sure, Aster was the first death they had seen first-hand...but to have this much of an impact?

It made sense.

Amy feels anger burning in her veins because of Madison. The hot sensation making her feel the physical change of her changing personalities.

Oh no no no no no no, Amy panics, feeling herself glow green. No no no no no I can't be switching!

Grasp the anger.

Taking deep breaths, Amy relaxes. The feeling subsiding into a mere annoying burn. Amy lets out a breath of relief, she didn't want to change.

I hate it so much.

I don't like this at all.

Gosh, why do I even have this problem?!

I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.

I hate myself for having this problem.

Why can't I just get rid of it?

Over and over again Amy's brain goes through the same thoughts, eventually making Amy get a headache from it.

You have to try, try, try, try, try, try, and try to love being yourself. I am enough. I am enough. I am enough-

Sighing, sleep gets to Amy as her eyelids slowly close, taking her right back to a series of nightmares.


The same morning, Owen, after eating breakfast, sits outside again. He grasps the pillar and flowers start to grow from his hand.

Their smell is wonderful but it didn't stop Owen from regretting what he said to Urana yesterday. He lost his temper over a little thing and lashed out.

"What would you know?! Don't judge me! You don't have the right to!"

Owen cringes as he remembers, guilt eating away at him.


Shutting his eyes, Owen holds the pillar tightly. Here he said Brenton should learn to control his anger when it was him who should've.

Ya Allah, I messed up, Owen knows. How do I even apologize to that?

"Everything okay?" Owen turns around and sees Hunter standing there, a donut from breakfast in his hand. "You look distraught."

"How do you apologize after saying something horrible?" Owen asks, a way to answer Hunter's question.

"It's hard," Hunter sits down next to Owen. "And I'm sure Ku has told you something but from my experience...say you're sorry. That you regret letting it get to you then lashing out. Explain if you have to."

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