It's Been a Week... (Chapter 6)

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A week passes by with the residents of Ku's house waking up to breakfast everyday but never seeing who made it.

It's pretty obvious though.

Brenton, who hasn't been seen in over a week, somehow managed to make breakfast without anyone seeing him and managed to ignore the 'debates' of Owen and Urana as they came back from their camp all the way in Boston.

"We haven't trained in over a week," Owen points out, closing his bedroom door and spots Sasha slipping something underneath Brenton's door. "What are you doing?"

"Belle and Ben have an idea. We should remind Brenton of all the times he's made us smile so that he doesn't think he's alone," Sasha answers, getting up. "Also, I agree, this is really setting us back."

"That's actually a really good idea...what did you put?" Owen questions.

"Well, I put what Belle and Ben gave me earlier and right now I put in a little comic strip of me and Brenton meeting for the first time," Sasha puts her hands on her hips and looks at the door.

"Huh...I thought Brenton was really careful at that time of the year..?" Owen jogs his memory and sure enough he could remember seeing a red-head trying to stay out of everyone's way.

"He was, but I guess I looked really nervous that day so when I went to sit for lunch, he sat down with me," Sasha answers. "What are you gonna put?"

"I..." Owen starts but doesn't know what he was going to say. "Don't know actually."

"I'm sure there's something that'll make Brenton feel a little better," Sasha pats his shoulder before going towards the staircase. Owen wipes his shoulder off, just to annoy Sasha, who wasn't looking.

"Haha, I've got plenty of things!" Alex comes out of his room, carrying a stack of photos in his hands.

"That's a lot..." Owen watches as Alex takes it over to Brenton's door.

"It's all the times Brenton made me smile! Of course there's a lot," Alex smiles brightly at Owen before getting on his knees and pushing the photos through, one by one.

"I'll come up with something else," Owen decides then heads downstairs himself.

"Say Owen, what's with the second first name?" Amy, who's sitting on the couch with her legs criss-crossed.

"The second first name?" Owen questions, not sure if he heard correctly. He didn't tell anyone about it.

"Yeah, the police called me and Ku over and when I saw your file I saw your other name too. How do you pronounce it? I don't wanna get it wrong," Amy asks. "You don't have to share of course."

"You're fine, it's family on my mom's side call me by that name and think that it's my actual name whereas my dad's side think that Owen is my name," Owen goes to get a glass of water. "And being in America, it makes it easier for everyone to just say 'Owen' instead."

"So those adults just went with both?" Amy, while drinking some warm coffee, asks for clarification.

"Yup, and you're alive, even though you went somewhere when Sensei told you not to," Owen muses, drinking from his glass of water.

"Duh," Amy rolls her eyes. "Sensei's just really overprotective sometimes, like I can handle myself."

"She's not wrong, but you guys are all sheltered," Sasha interjects into the conversation.

"Me? Sheltered? Please," Amy scoffs, taking a huge gulp from her coffee.

"I'm serious, you guys don't know the first thing bad guys' learn," Sasha leans against the counter top and tucks back her black hair. "Like I know what each races' weakness is, what each type of magic's counter magic is."

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