Questions of Suspicion (Chapter 23)

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Ku wakes up to see Red lying there, still as ever. Guilt eats away at Ku, he couldn't believe he just let this happen. It was all his fault.

He let Red get hurt.

He had failed as a parent.

I am truly sorry Red, Ku squeezes his son's hand. That I was not there to protect you...Why do I keep on doing this to the mages I love?

Leaving them when they needed me to protect them.

Ku lets out a loud sigh as he wipes his tears away. He couldn't sit here and watch Red suffer.

I should have ensured their safety before leaving. How could I have been so stupid? Ku goes on to blame himself. I was so stupid! Madison knows our address! How could I have thought that they were safe?

A mage comes in, sets a file down on the side table beside Ku then leaves. Ku takes the file and looks at the contents of it.


Sorry, I know you must've been worried about me but I'm fine. I hope everyone else is doing well too.

I put in all the information that are available to anyone about our family. Luckily, it seems like Madison kept most of the information to herself.

Not so good, I think I overheard them talking about the Elemental this generation ones. You don't happen to know them do you? Because I think they know their identities...

If Ku wasn't already panicking, he sure was now. Ku rummages through the file and reads over every word. There was a decent amount of information on them, but finding out the identities of the Elemental Masters? The teens?

He was careful.

But apparently not careful enough.


Ava watches as her short, strawberry blonde hair falls out of the ribbon's hold. They reach down to just after her jaw. She twirls the ends of her hair as she stares at her closet.

For absolutely no reason, Ava wanted to dress up. So she grabs the pink and silver dress hanging in her closet.

It wasn't anything fancy, just a dress that hugs her petite frame, that is slowly building more muscle, then is loose after her waist, so when she twirled, she could see it spin.

Ava takes out her lucky silver ribbon, the only thing she has from her dad that seemed even remotely magical.

She ties it onto her hair, leaving it down. Ava twirls in front of the mirror then blows a kiss to the mirror.

"Totally feeling the cute badass look," Ava smiles brightly. "But how's Red doing I wonder..."

Her smile turns into a frown as she thinks about what could've happened to him. One thing for sure though, when Tyler was injured and ended up in the hospital, Ava was beyond worry.

Maybe I can help keep Coach's mind off of just enough for her to calm down, Ava thinks. She glances over at her outfit, then feeling too lazy to change, she leaves her room.

Ava skips across town. Her brown flats matching with her dress. She spots some of her classmates from school and goes over to say hi.

"Hi guys! How's it going?" Ava smiles.

"Good! Did you hear?" One person looks to Ava.

"Hear what?" Ava raises an eyebrow, everyone looks shocked. "Well don't keep me in suspense! Spill the tea sis!"

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