Anger and Argue (Chapter 14)

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Later that night, once everyone had gone to their rooms to sleep, Sasha steps out of Amy's empty room and goes into the kitchen area. The siblings all in Ku's room and the teens' in the guest room until Irene and Hunter arrive.

Sasha walks in the dark, her night vision kicking in, and she spots a figure moving towards her. She quickly grabs a fork sitting on the counter and holds it against the figure's neck.

"Chill, it's me, Brenton," Brenton raises his hands up, revealing a first aid kit. Sasha sets aside the fork and ignores him, sitting down on one of the spinning chairs at the counter. Brenton sits down next to her and pulls out wrapping bandages.

"What are those for?" Sasha questions.

"Your bloody knuckles genius," Brenton turns on the light to show Sasha how red her knuckles are. "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

Brenton takes Sasha's hands and starts to bandage up her knuckles which are spotted with red instantly. "You need to be careful. You'll end up hurting your knuckles," Brenton finishes up the wrapping. "Or something else for that matter."

"I'm not a baby, I've been doing this for too long for you to worry," Sasha rolls her eyes.

"All I want to do is help. Why are you being such an ass about it?" Brenton questions.

"Oh, I don't know," Sasha raises her voice, rage in her purple eyes. "Maybe it's because my adoptive mom just told me she killed my parents. Maybe it was the fact THAT YOU GUYS KNEW and DID NOT TELL ME!"

"That would've made you even ANGRIER!" Brenton raises his voice too. "It was Vada's place to say something about it, not us!"

"Yeah, well, what did you guys think? That letting it sit around would've made it fucking BETTER?! Um, it doesn't for your KIND INFORMATION!" Sasha snaps.

"If you're so all-knowing, how come you never FIGURED IT OUT HUH?!" Brenton snaps back, if she wanted to rage at him, he could play that game too.

"And y'all call me the villain! Who the hell suspects their parents for a crime?! Unless you've got really terrible parents!" Sasha rolls her eyes. "Vada wasn't like this!"

"You think I'm a villain? What the hell did I do?! I'm just saying, if you think you're so great you should've figured it out. Sorry, but I guess you're not as great as you claim," Brenton crosses his arms, a glare on his face.

"Ha! I'm stronger than the likes of you!" Sasha points her index finger at him. "Just shut up, I don't need your damn help or sympathy. You're just as much at fault!"

"I'm was just trying to make you feel better but you're the one who STARTED ARGUING WITH ME!" Brenton smacks her finger aside.

"ME?! You're the one that has anger issues! Come and blame it on me, go ahead! Blame the bullies for what happened to your left side Brenton! Why don't you tell everyone why you got that fucking scar in the first place?!" Sasha grabs his shirt and glares. "Go on! Tell everyone!"

Brenton smacks away Sasha's grip on his shirt. "They insulted my family Sasha! And if you know ANYTHING ABOUT FAMILY YOU WOULD KNOW THAT I WOULD GLADLY THROW THE FIRST FUCKING PUNCH TO PROTECT THEIR DIGNITY!" Brenton feels a flame burn on his head.

"Says the mage who can't even control his magic when he's angry!" Sasha laughs. "You've got the anger issues Brenton, maybe you SHOULD LEARN HOW TO CONTROL YOUR FREAKING ANGER!"

"ME?! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO NEEDS TO LEARN!" Brenton can't believe that the person who started the fight was the person telling him he had anger issues. "SORRY YOU CAN'T HANDLE YOUR EMOTIONS!"

Elements: Four Me (Book 4)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin