Back to Training (Chapter 10)

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Amy stirs awake, blinking repeatedly before she could see clearly that she's in her bed. She looks over to the side to see Ku sitting on the floor with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"You are awake!" Ku smiles brightly.

"Yeah um, my head is killing me," Amy closes her eyes for a moment. "What happened while I blacked out? Did...I..."

"Yes, but do not worry, you did not leave the apartment or anything," Ku answers.

"Ugh, this is why I hate it this! I can't even remember what I did! The fact that I can't even control it anymore," Amy buries her face under the covers.

"You need to stop denying it Amy," Ku sighs, getting up then gently putting his hand on her head. "You have to accept every part of yourself otherwise you will never be happy."

"Good for me," Amy grumbles in annoyance.

"I will not ask you to share with the teens but I think it will make it better and easier for you," Ku advises as he drinks his coffee.

"'re right. If I can't hide it anymore then I should at least tell them about it," Amy gets out of her bed.

"That sounds like a good idea," Ku takes his staff and holds it in his hand. "Anyway, are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah, I'm better now," Amy rubs her eyes as she walks out to the doorway with Ku.

"Then I will take my leave. I left without saying a word to the crazy lot and today they are resuming their training," Ku slips on his shoes before opening the door. "I did not break your lock if you are wondering."

"Phew, Ms. Rose was gonna have my head if I broke it," Amy wipes imaginary sweat off of her face.

"Tell her I said hi, I will see you later Amy," Ku smiles before exiting out the door.

"I will for sure!" Amy calls out, standing in the doorway as Ku makes his to the staircase when Kiara comes up them.

"Oh, hi Kiara," Ku smiles brightly.

"Hey Ku, don't tell me, did Amy do something stupid?" Kiara questions.

"Haha no, I just came over to check in," Ku chuckles and Kiara laughs.

"Good, I was hoping the world wouldn't burn down while I was gone for the day," Kiara grins and Ku laughs at her statement.

"You are actually mean," Amy grumbles from her doorway.

"Oh, I know," Kiara smiles before getting into the platform. "Well, I'll see you later Ku."

"See you later Kiara," Ku smiles back before heading down the steps.


"Aww, you're such a cute bunny, you've come for carrots haven't you?" Owen smiles, taking a carrot out from his pocket and putting it in front of the bunny.

The white bunny nibbles at the carrot and Owen gently rubs its head with his gardening gloves on.

"Eat well buddy," Owen goes back to taking out the weeds. He came early so that he could tend to the garden he set up in the backyard with all sorts of vegetables.

The bunny finishes up the carrot then proceeds to rub its nose against Owen's leg. The earth mage lets out a bright smile before lifting up the bunny and talking to it as if it were a baby.

"You're so adorable," Owen gushes. "I love you."

"Woah, that's a pretty fast confession for a bunny," Brenton grins, joining Owen at his little garden.

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