I Am Proud of Who I Am (Chapter 29)

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A few days later, Amy finally gets a message from Ku regarding their situation. Amy reaches over for her phone, her fairy necklace dangling from her neck.

While munching on some chips with Sasha, Amy reads the message sent. She sighs loudly and Sasha looks over at her.

"Sensei says we're going to continue to be spread apart but Owen's flight back is in less than two days so however that's gonna work," Amy puts her phone aside again.

"To be fair, it's the right call until Katso is caught," Sasha shrugs. "As for Owen, can't he just stay with his brother?"

"I have no idea what Jamil's situation is right now," Amy subconsciously touches the necklace and feels a wave of helplessness flow over her. Worry immediately takes over Amy but then she brushes it off as Jamil studying or something.

"You haven't taken off that necklace since you got it," Sasha raises an eyebrow. "You sure like it."

"I do, it's really pretty," Amy smiles. "Doesn't it just bring out my eyes?" She blinks dramatically and Sasha rolls her eyes, going back onto her phone.

Sasha's eyes start to droop as she sits there, feeling tired. She shakes her head and goes back to using her phone, scrolling through the million posts people make.

These people are so pretty...do these girls even have pores?! How can someone's skin be so fucking smooth?! Sasha wonders just how these females managed to get their makeup so on point.

"So sad...they need to give some more representation for darker skin," Sasha says out loud. "Like I'm proud of who I am, but what about the other girls? They need representation, they should show my beautiful skin."

"You've got a great point," Amy grins. "Not that you're ugly, but maybe those girls don't need a bad influence."

"I'm offended. You think I'm a bad influence?" Sasha gasps dramatically.

"You a theatre major or something because that was a hella dramatic gasp," Amy laughs. "You're not a bad influence but your videos of doing crazy stunts might not be the greatest influence."

"Okay, fair point," Sasha mumbles. "But I'm a visual arts major. Alex and Ava are the theatre majors."

"That explains everything," Amy comments. "Anyway, there's not that many red-heads represented here either...maybe I should model for them?"

"Pfft, now you're a really bad influence," Sasha bursts into laughter.

"I am not!" Amy argues.

"But you're too short anyway," Sasha points out. "You can't be a model, the requirement is five foot seven inches."

"So?" Amy feels slightly offended. "Social media models don't need to be that tall. Short lives matter! I won't follow restrictions placed on me! I'm proud of who I am and I'm gonna show everyone!"

"That's great," Sasha yawns. "Have fun, 'cause I'm gonna take a nap."

"We didn't even do anything though," Amy looks concerned. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just feel tired," Sasha gets up. "I'm gonna use your bed."

"Okay, I'll kick you out when I wanna sleep on it," Amy calls out and the both of them laugh. Amy turns her attention back to the chips and her phone that wasn't doing much to keep her attention.

She taps her fingers on her thigh as she scrolls through her phone, feeling bored and wanting to go outside and do physical activity but she couldn't.

Amy already risked Sasha yesterday. She couldn't do it again. Last thing Amy needs is for Sasha to get kidnapped. She decides to stay on the soft sofa and scrolls through pictures of herself.

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