You Need to be Bad (Chapter 18)

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Madison tucks behind a loose strand of blue hair from her high ponytail. She opens the door to her extravagant room, decorated with posters and pictures of all sorts of mages.

Most of it being files of data she has collected. Her bed is pushed off to the corner of the room and the closet is on the other side.

She takes off her robe and throws it onto the chair that is right in front of the desk beside her bed. Madison then goes over to the white door of her closets in contrast to her blue.

Humming a tune, she opens up the doors, looking for something to wear. Madison's perfectly manicured nail runs over Red's old hoodie. She hesitates, even if she forgot everyone else, this one freaking mage still managed to remain firmly planted into her head.

I've gone soft, Madison thinks to herself as she takes out the hoodie. She slips it over her shoulders, it is big on her, but it's so comfortable.

Now then, I have no idea what that mage is planning but I won't let him touch Red. He's mine, Madison puts her hands into the pocket. I'm going to make sure that he doesn't slip this time.

But how do you get someone who's constantly around other mages all alone?


Katso digs through his armor's pockets. Besides the gold he had, he only had his weapons.

Grave robbers, Katso guesses, given that he couldn't find anything else. He pulls out a picture of his family that he keeps. A frown forms on his face.

His knees shake and he falls onto them, the mages around him walking past as if he didn't matter. Katso holds the picture tighter, tears forming in his eyes.

The picture of smiling red-heads with green eyes and freckles all over them.

Why did they revive me? Why am I here? All alone...with no family...who is that idiotic bastard that brought me back to life?!

Katso gets up, putting the photo back into his armor, near his heart. I still have one family member.

I will talk to them today. I have to. Once Amy is on my side I can find this mage who revived me for no damn reason.

As if to answer his wishes, he spots a mage in black robes in an alleyway. The mage has shoulder-length, straight blond hair.

"I bet you're wondering who revived you huh?" The mage looks over at Katso, their hands behind their back.

"You, I presume?" Katso approaches the stranger with caution. "I remember that robe and hair."

"You've got great memory for someone who just rose from the dead," the mage, who's face is covered, grins, the mask stretching to show it.

"And you're very happy for someone who just revived someone," Katso keeps his hood on. Not just to protect his identity but because he's also a wanted mage too. "Tell me, why did you bring me back to life? What purpose do I serve?"

"Purpose? Well that's easy to answer," the mage lifts their hands into the air. "You see, we revived you because we want you to be with your family."

"What the hell kind of reason is that? You haven't revived my family," Katso raises his hand.

"No need to shoot," the mage lifts their hands in defense. A smile etches onto their mask. "We want you to bond with the family that's alive today."

"Amy Burns? Why? What does that matter?" Katso narrows his glowing green eyes.

"Because she needs to spend some time with her ever so amazing grandfather."

"I believe you need to add many 'greats' to that."

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