Arguing is Pointless (Chapter 15)

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Tuesday comes around and everyone lazily gets up. Irene and Hunter were in the guest room while the teens took over Red's room.

"Morning everyone!" Brenton smiles at everyone, cutting up some fruit.

"Breakfast will be ready in ten," Red announces for the mass. Irene and Hunter lazily walk into the family room, slumping onto the couches.

"Must be nice not having any World Leader duties huh?" Ku chuckles as he sits across from them.

"It's exhausting," Hunter sighs. "A break is necessary every now and again."

"And what better place to crash than our good friends?" Irene grins. "I was thinking, if you don't mind, maybe Hunter and I could teach the teens a thing or two about their magic?"

"Go right ahead, you two are very wise," Ku thinks that it's beneficial.

"Them? Wise? You gotta be kidding me," Amy jokes, coming into the room and sitting down next to Ku.

"Wiser than you will ever be," Irene points out.

"That's a little dark don't ya think?" Scott brings up.

"You mean you're dark because you thought of it like that," Hunter points his dark brown finger at Scott.

"He's a pessimistic, ignore him," Quill comes in, pushing aside Scott and he lets out a 'hey!'

The teens come in, looking more tired than everyone else. Sasha avoids the kitchen entirely, not wanting to look at Brenton, making everyone else roll their eyes.

"What happened?" Irene questions. "If you want to share of course."

"Brenton and Sasha got into a fight and they won't talk to each other," Owen summarizes, sitting at the counter table chairs.

"They'll get over it, honestly they're just both hot heads," Urana adds, joining Owen.

"Meanwhile, you guys should totally tell us how comedy works around here," Alex switches the subject.

"Yeah, we wanna be the funny ones here too," Ava chirps in, excitement on both their faces.

"That's what I'm here for," Quill pulls out a large, brown book that looks the equivalent of three novels. "Magic World comedy one-o-one!" The three of them start their thing.

"You did teach them basic phrases right? Like instead of people we say mages?" Hunter questions.

"Generally," Amy answers. "But they wouldn't be able to switch over all the way either."

"They stick out like a sore thumb anyway," Ku shrugs.

"We can hear you!" The teens call out and the adults all laugh.

"I mean to say that we can not change their habits so quickly. It is not how it works," Ku adds. "And right now does not seem to be the best time since the Gen Z is kind of...angry."

"Owen, Urana, I've got the things set up if you guys wanna do it," Scott gestured to his room.

"Duh!" Owen and Urana quickly run past everyone and go into the room. Scott, grinning that he found mages equally as enthusiastic as him, before following them.

"Wait! Breakfast is ready!" Red calls out.

After breakfast, everyone splits off to do their own thing. Alex, Ava, and Quill are all finding out the comedy of the Magic World. Owen, Urana, and Scott are busy doing whatever learning they're doing.

Red decides to teach Brenton some other recipes that his dad taught him and Ku joins in from time to time, showing them a Powers family recipe.

Amy talks with Irene and Hunter, catching up on each other's lives before Hunter gets kicked out. So he joins the mages in the kitchen and shows them some family recipes of his own.

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