Alex and a Stupid Mistake (Chapter 9)

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"He can't feel his emotions, he shut down all feelings to protect him from the guilt," Sasha, who's breathing had quickened, tells them all. "Or grief or both, either way, we need to hurry and do something because he said he felt cold. When a fire mage says they're cold you know it's bad." And he said that he doesn't deserve to feel...then shut down and I couldn't get anything out of him, she adds in her mind.

"Oh gosh, what do we do?" Ava asks.

"First of all, we need to tell Sensei," Owen points out.

"We don't have time for that," Sasha interjects. "We need to make him feel a positive emotion and now. Alex and Ava are our best bet for that."

"I agree with that," Urana nods. "Okay, shoot some ideas...what will make Brenton happy?"

"I've got it!" Alex feels a lightbulb light up in his brain.

"Oh no..." Ava knows it's something that could potentially hurt him. "Alex, don't do something stupid!"

"Then tell Brenton to come to Zodiac Cove," Alex grins and with that, he takes off.

"Tell Brenton now!" Ava chases after Alex.

"I've got it," Owen, who's very well aware of what stunt Alex might try to pull off, quickly rushes up the steps and knocks on Brenton's door.

"Dude, I know you aren't in the best place right now but Alex is about to do something extremely stupid and you need to come! He's going to Zodiac Cove!" Owen knocks the door again.

Brenton opens up the door to see Owen's worried face.

"C'mon, we gotta go now!" Owen grabs Brenton's wrist and breaks into a run.


"Alex! This is stupid! Come down, we can think of something else!" Ava calls out as she chases him.

"If we're on a crunch for time then we don't have time to think of something else!" Alex tells her as he runs ahead.

"Gosh, why is this such a mess?" Ava cries out as she runs faster to try and catch up. He was always faster, but today she needed to be faster. "This isn't going to make him feel a happy emotion!"

Alex reaches Zodiac Cove, already up on the cliff as Ava reaches the shore. Alex didn't want her to look so distraught but he didn't have many options right now.

"Alex, I swear, come down right now!" Ava calls out. "We can come up with something else to help Brenton!"

"Just trust me Ava!" Alex calls back down. "I'll be fine!"

"Alex!" Ava stomps her foot impatiently. Meanwhile all their friends come running.

"Is he serious?!" Sasha's eyes widen at the crumbling cliff that Alex is standing on.

"My gosh, where are Brenton and Owen?" Urana looks around.

"Right here!" Owen calls out, letting go of Brenton's wrist as he quickly runs past all of them and straight up.

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea..." Alex gulps as the cliff starts to lose its rocks. He looks over at his friends and starts to back away when the rocks give away underneath him.

"ALEX!" Everyone cries out, arms out to cast whatever spell necessary.

Alex feels himself being pulled back and on solid ground. He tries to calm his quick breathing but it wasn't working. Shaking arms hold him tight to a soft chest.

"Are you okay?! Are you hurt anywhere?" Brenton asks as he checks Alex's arms, legs, and face for any injuries.

"I'm fine," Alex's breathing is shaky.

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