Behind Shut Doors (Chapter 5)

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All of Brenton's things had been moved from the townhouse to Ku's house. The teens helping with the boxes.

Ku's upper floor has four rooms on one side and four rooms on the other side. On the right, the first room is Ku's then Alex's. On the left, the first room is Owen's, Brenton's, then Sasha's.

"How does he have so many rooms?" Ava questions, whispering to Alex.

"The rooms are at a size so that four can fit on one side," Owen explains, opening the door to Brenton's new room. Also making it obvious to Urana that he's carrying more boxes than she is.

Urana grumbles something under her breath then pushes Owen who nearly topples backwards and throws her a glare.

"Thanks guys," Brenton mummers as they set down the boxes they had.

"Let us know if you need anything," Alex smiles. "I'm right across the hall."

"I'm right next door to the left," Owen adds.

"And I'm to the right, so feel free to just barge in, it's what we do around here," Sasha finishes up.

Brenton nods silently again and they all take their leave. He closes the door behind them then leans against the door.

The fire mage takes a deep breath, looking at all the boxes and the items springing to their full size.

His bed already has a blanket and a sheet so he doesn't bother with it. Then he takes his things out and starts to place them around.

Brenton finds his wool steel. His finger doesn't light up and he shakes it around, no luck. So he gets out the pack of matches and lights it. The amber eyed teen watches the beautiful and calming patterns as it burns.

Everything is burning away...Brenton touches the fire and he didn't feel himself burn, just warmth.

Just like my siblings are gone, Carol and Tyler-my parents-are gone...tears fall from his eyes. Abuela is gone...

Why am I losing everyone?

How long until I lose my friends too?

"Abuela..." Brenton's lip quivers as he speaks. Tears spilling again. "Usted tenías razón...sobre todo..." (you were right...about everything...)


"How long do we plan to leave him alone up there?" Owen asks, resting his elbows on the island while standing.

"Not long, Brenton is a people person, that much I know," Urana answers.

"Yeah, but I still think we should ask Belle and Ben for some help," Alex points out.

"They're his first friends after all, and they've known him longer, so it's only obvious we talk to them," Ava adds.

"Along with adding them to whatever plan we're gonna come up with," Sasha puts in her opinion as well. "We can't disregard the first friends."

"Sasha is right," Ku steps into the kitchen, having a defeated look on his face. "Whatever you lot plan on doing, just make sure it involves them because Brenton is more attached to them."

"No luck?" Amy, who showed up a few minutes ago, is leaning against the counter top near the fridge.

"None at all, and here I thought I could reach out to him because I have been through a similar situation," Ku shakes his head. "But I did tell him about a vampire killing them..."

"A what?!" The teens, except Sasha, all look confused.

"How did a vampire come here, suck the blood out of two Nobits, then go back and no one knows who it is?" Sasha questions.

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