Just Another Minute (Chapter 19)

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Amy rips open the small letter and reads the note. Anger bubbles up in her as she reads the words.

Scott and Quill come up behind her and Amy turns around to show them the note.

"That bitch is threatening Red to come and see her," Amy growls. "Why is she so obsessed with him?"

"Considering he's the only one that for sure knows her identity, she's going down hill with her career unless she gets Red under ropes," Scott answers. "Figuratively and literally."

"Well, we can't let this happen!" Quill looks determined. "What is she blackmailing him with?"

"Katso. She says that she's working with him apparently and that she'll tell him our address so that he can find me," Amy replies, reading over the note again.

"The real question is, how did she escape from prison in the first place?" Scott muses.

"It is exactly what I am wondering as well," Ku appears besides them.

"Sensei, this is getting bad," Quill turns to him.

"Yes, and the World Leaders have had no luck in tracing General Katso either," Ku sighs. "I will take back the teens tomorrow, at least they will be safe there..."

"No, they won't, Katso was able to come there and kill Brenton's adoptive parents. You can't say they'll be safe there Sensei, they're safer here," Amy argues.

"What about Ava and Urana's families? We can not leave them there unprotected," Ku points out.

"I know Urana's family is her adoptive family but why hasn't Ava told her mom yet?" Quill questions.

"He never told her," Ku looks down at the ground. "She does not know about magic. Therefore, I am not sure how she will react to Ava."

"And we're not trying to get more of them into emotional distress," Scott rubs the bridge of his nose, his blue frames going up. "Brenton and Sasha are already unstable."

"What's going on? A secret meeting outside my room window?" Red walks up to them, a smile on his face that disappears at the sight of their stress. "What's wrong?"

"Madison wants to meet up with you," Amy hands him the note, hiding the rope behind her back.

"What?" Red takes the note and reads it. "This isn't good! She's working with Katso and that's bad!"

"Yeah, but you're not going anywhere," Amy warns. "I'm not letting you."

"Like I said, both of you are on house lockdown. Red, I am taking the teens back tomorrow," Ku informs him. "Amy, you should go there too. Red, Scott, and Quill, you three go and stay with Jasmine."

"What? Sensei-" the three of them are interrupted by Ku shaking his head.

"You will be safe there. Madison nor Katso will find you there and the teens and Amy will be safe in the Nobits' World," Ku says. "Please, I can not protect Rohan but I should try with all of you."

"This isn't going to work," Scott takes off his glasses and cleans them along his shirt. "Stupid glasses-anyway-this isn't going to work Sensei. Katso will find Amy one way or another and we already know that he somehow has access to the Nobits' World. So that's not safe for anyone."

"And I can handle Madison if she shows up. She's not the strong-not to be rude or anything-but I'm stronger," Red crosses his arms. "I'll personally make sure she stays in prison."

"That is not the problem," Ku grips his staff. "General Katso was never a villain-nor is he now-it is the mages that will influence him to make bad decisions. I am more worried about who is behind all this....everyone we have faced since the teens have entered our lives....all link back to the same description."

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