It's Really Not That Bad (Chapter 32)

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Amy wakes up, expecting herself to be on the floor of her apartment but she didn't find herself there. Instead, she finds herself on a chair of the lobby area. Her head against Red's shoulder then his head resting on Ku's shoulder.

Much to her surprise, all of them had fallen asleep. Quill leaning his head against Ku's other shoulder and Scott leaning his head against her head.

"Oh Amy, you're awake," Amy turns to see Kyril carrying a box of donuts and six coffees. His purple eyes quickly looking for Quill and he relaxes upon seeing her okay. "I know it's not much but I brought some donuts and coffee."

"You're a hero Kyril," Amy graciously takes one donut and bites right into it, her hunger taking over her urge to brush her teeth first.

"Haha thanks, but that's you guys," Kyril laughs. "You take the French Vanilla right?" Amy nods and Kyril hands her a coffee cup. She lets the sweet smell take over her senses before sipping the warm coffee.

I wonder what the teens are going to eat? I'm over here with a warm coffee and a donut while they're probably starving, Amy thinks guiltily.

"Coffee!" Ku could smell the aroma in his sleep, causing Amy and Kyril to laugh. Kyril hands Ku a cup of pure black coffee and a donut. "You are a hero Kyril." Ku takes the items, careful not to disturb his sleeping children.

Ku glances guiltily at the breakfast and keeps them away from his mouth. Mostly because he felt too guilty but also because the others were resting on his shoulders.

Scott rubs his eyes, his glasses smudged and he grumpily cleans them with his shirt multiple times before it becomes completely clean. He graciously takes his donut and coffee.

Red and Quill then wake up, accepting their breakfast too. But they all hesitate before eating the donut and drinking the coffee.

"Kyril, bless your soul," Ku smiles at his son-in-law.

"I'm just hoping I got the right coffee orders," Kyril chuckles nervously.

"Don't worry, you did great!" Quill reassures him, giving him a swift kiss on his cheek. Kyril turns a light shade of pink and smiles.

"Yeah, how'd you kn-Wait. I remember, you kept on losing all the games so we made you get coffee, right," Red laughs and Kyril looks embarrassed.

"It's okay, not all of us can be as great as me," Scott boasts. "Anyway, I'm gonna go see if there's any progress with tracking General Katso down."

"Hold on, I need to come too," Amy gets up. "But first we should stop by a bathroom and brush our teeth."

"Yeah, you thought I was going in without brushing my teeth?" Scott scoffs and Amy rolls her eyes as they head towards the bathroom.

Once they freshen up, they both head towards a room in the back, down the hall filled with paintings of heroes. They go inside to see Lisha there.

"Oh, hey, I wasn't expecting anyone," Lisha smiles, her pink hair in a long braid and her World Leader robe on.

"To be honest, neither were we," Scott admits.

"Good morning," Amy adds in for politeness.

"Good morning to you too," Lisha turns back to the hologram. "It just finished going through a few countries right outside from here."

"Oh, it's a little slower than I thought," Scott seems disappointed.

"I thought it was faster too but I guess finding someone who's dead isn't exactly an easy feat," Lisha sighs, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

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