Keith - Poison

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If he wanted a violent reaction, he got one. Just seconds after muttering those words, Keith could feel Shiro stiffen like a board beside him, Pidge gasped and scooted closer against the wall she was already pushed against due to the tight space, Lance's triumphant grin faltered and then fell, and if it weren't for the fact that the Galra was currently staring them down, Keith was willing to bet that Hunk would have broke down and bawled right then.

As for Keith, let's just say, he wasn't sure his heartbeat would return to normal ever again.

"What do you want from us?" He heard Shiro choke out through clenched teeth. Keith could tell he was scared and, just because he had been in the clutches of the Galra before, twice now that he had gotten him back after fighting his clone, he clearly knew what could happen to them now that they were captured.

The commander chuckled, the sound coming out dark and sinister sending a lone shiver down Keith's spine and he didn't like it at all.

"Nothing much besides everything you know," he chuckled again. "Were is the other one, hm?" He mused, "The Altean princess? The pink one?"

"W-We don't know! We don't know anything!" Hunk's voice was high and scared at this point. "We just got done fighting-"

"I'm sure that's a very convincing story, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to stop you there."

"But, Hunk's right, we-"

"Silence!" He barked, Lance gasped in pain as he was suddenly backhanded across the face, falling onto the floor with a low oof before going still, and Keith thanked whatever god might be listening that he had enough sense to stay down. They had been captured before, they'd get through this, somehow.

"Please, you have to let us go, the universe still needs us," Keith was surprised to find that Shiro was actually pleading with him at this point, and some part of Keith was willing to beg right alongside him, they needed to get out of there, "I'd be willing to offer you and your fleet protection under the Voltron Coalition as long as you'd let us go-"

"Quiet!" He barked, and Keith could hear rather than see Shiro's mouth snap close.

They spent an uncomfortable moment or two, as Keith watched the commander quickly formulate something under his yellow gaze, and Keith spoke up in an attempt to keep his thought out plan from solidifying.

"Please, just don't hurt us. We don't know anything that might be useful to you, we don't even know where we are right now, but if you let us go I promise we'll leave you and your fleet alone as long as you'll leave us alone."

The Galra quirked an eyebrow, "Protection? Do you have any idea how long Voltron has been gone? How many deca-phoebs?"

"We're beginning to," Keith matched his low tone.

"Well then, I'll think about your offer if you answer me this," crossing his arms behind his back, he bent down so his face was inches away from Keith's. "Where have you been?"

"I don't know, we were fighting Lotor and-"

"Lotor, hasn't been seen since you both disappeared, so I'll ask again. Where. Have. You. Been?" His voice was nothing but a low growl at this point, and Keith resisted the urge to head-butt him and just see what would happen. "I told you, I don't know."

A purple eyebrow quirked as he stared him in the eyes.

"I promise, I'm telling the truth, so please just let us go." He begged, at this point he'd do anything to get out of this cramped cell.

"I don't typically let my prisoners go under normal circumstances."

Keith's heart sank.

"However, I'm feeling rather generous today, so I am willing to let you go-" he said, straightening back up.

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