"No ma'am, I was just asking for a pencil since I forgot mine this morning." She says politely, hoping that the professor will drop it.

"I sure hope you have a good reason for gracing us with your presence and distracting us from today's lesson. If not, you do understand that you will be receiving an absence." Professor Hopkins says, explaining her late policy one more time. If this lady hates tardiness, it makes me wonder what she is like outside of the classroom.

"Yes ma'am, I have a note from Coach Keller, but we can talk more after class. I don't want to take up any more of your time." She replies, and we return to the presentations.

I ended up going last because everyone else volunteered before I got a chance, but it didn't really bother me. I was going to present my information the same way regardless of when I presented it. The only difference is that I would have been more awake for my presentation, instead of sitting here nodding off every so often until Genevieve would slightly tap on my shoulder to wake me up.

"Okay, I assume everyone turned in their discussion posts, and if not please get it turned in as soon as possible, I will be grading that sometime over the weekend. Please make sure you check mylearningportal daily for assignments, and with that get out. Have a good rest of the week." Professor Hopkins tells us ending class early, which is unusual.

"Hey, Louis wait for me I have to talk to the Professor, then we can hang out for a bit or something," Genevieve tells me, and I nod packing up my things and waiting out in the hallway to give them some privacy to talk.

After about five minutes of waiting, Genevieve walks out with an irritated look on her face. "I can't believe this lady is still allowed to teach. Like seriously? I was like five minutes late, I had a meeting with Coach Keller, and he even wrote a note, but because I'm not on the boys' soccer team, she's not counting it! I'm a good student, I have never missed a day, and I never talk back, I can't believe how unfair she is being." She rants about everything that happened in that room, finally sighing.

"It's whatever now anyways. I've already had a rough day and a half, and this is just adding to it. I'm just ready for two o'clock tomorrow because I am going home." She continues, not really talking to anyone in particular. "Anyways, enough about me. What's going on with you?" She asks, suddenly becoming perky and her normal self again. She begins leading the way out of the Oxford building and towards the food court.

"Well me and some of my friends are going out this weekend. I not really sure what's going on, because I didn't really bother to ask. Most likely Harry is going to want to go somewhere he can get wasted and Liam is going to try hooking up with some girl way out of his league. So, I will most likely end up being the designated driver." I tell her, briefly explaining the routine of our guys night out.

As I finish explaining how I end up on hangover duty this weekend she turns to me. "I'm sorry but who are Harry and Liam? And why do they sound like such awful people?" She says, in a rather confused manner.

"Liam is my roommate, and Harry and Liam know each other from years ago. I promise they are actually decent human beings, they aren't all party, they can be serious at times as well. They are my closest friends here, and I'm sure if you met them you would love them." I say, lightly laughing at her first assumption of my best friends.

"That reminds me of how my boyfriend is with his best friend, Zayn. Together you'd think they all they do is party, and play soccer, but underneath the surface, they are huge teddy bears. But they would kill me if anyone knew I told them that." She says laughing.

I could sit and listen to this laugh all day, it was like music to my ears. It makes me want to be the reason she laughs. I imagine that she has a life full of laughter because you rarely see her down, she's always encouraging everyone around her, and helping them see the positive things of life.

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