Chapter 9 -- Scarlett Tanner

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                                                                   Scarlett Tanner

As I silently climbed up the stairs of the train, I looked over my shoulder and saw the tear stained face of my mother. My hand flew down to my neck, where a tree made of gold hung on a long golden chain. I waved and mouthed a silent good bye and I love you. Terrance was right behind me. He gave me a little nudge up the stairs. I could understand. He wanted to escape the looks pity and grief. I got onto the train and I couldn't hold it back any longer. A tear ran down my cheek. A very quite boy lead me to my room. I collapsed onto the bed and finally broke down. Terrance came in a few minutes later. He sat on my bed, leaned against my head board, and opened his arms. I crawled in.

"What's wrong love? I mean, you know what I mean."

"I'm so mad at the capital! They took everything away from us! My family, your family, each other! We can't win! Which makes me even more upset, because if one of the four of us somehow live the other three will have to die!"

I sat there for a few minutes just crying into Terrance's shirt. It smelled like home. I was trying to sort through the pain and anger. I finally calmed down enough to sit up a little.

"We need to win. I can't lose you! Plus imagine if we never got to see our family's! When are we meeting our trainer? With our mentor we can work out a game plan! We just need to grab Foster and Anastasia." I quickly got up. Terrance grabbed my arm.

"Scarlett." He whispered

"What!" I snapped.

"Scarlett, stop and just relax."

"No you stop! I want to come out alive and I want my boyfriend and sister alive with me! Is that to much to ask!" A steady stream started trickling down the sides of my face.

"No, but-."

"There's no buts! Were going to live! Is that clear!" I wiped my face. My determination returned,   "This is how I see it. If any of us die, we are better dead then heart broken. We are all going to win. so the sooner we got started we will be one step closer to winning!"

"Yes but you need to calm down and think about this in a reasonable fashion, not irrationally." He pulled me back onto the bed.

"I can't lose you Terrance." I whispered.

"The feeling is mutual. If anything were to happened to you-" I put my finger to his lips. A tear ran down his cheek. I wiped it away. I threw my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist. We kissed. It was wonderful. I climbed over him and crawled next to him. He layed flat and I put my head on his chest. His hand started strocking my hair. I loved when he did that. I went into a dream like state.

* * *

I quess I fell asleep because when Terrance woke me he told me it was time for dinner. I sat up and yawned. I got myself straightned up and walked with Terrance. There is where we met Fransisca and Rafael.

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