Chapter 4 -- Anastasia Tanner

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                                                                    Anastasia Tanner

Scarlett and I arrived at the same time, with identical expression of fear. I opened the door and heard an awful sound. It was my mother weeping. We ran over to where she was sobbing on a chair.

“What’s wrong?” we chimed together.

“One of my daughters punched a co-worker and another punched an innocent little girl. Plus all this about the Hunger Games, my precious daughters!” she encased us both in a huge hug.

“Not to mention you embarrassed me!!!” my father screamed. Scarlett, dad, and I all started yelling at once. Awful things were said but the worse was when my father yelled,


We both ran upstairs grabbing our burlap sacks and throwing in whatever we could reach.

“Where are you going?” Scarlett asked

“I don’t know yet but I bet I could find somewhere. You?

“At um... Terrance's house. I think if his mom is OK with it. That is," Scarlett was rambling. Their was something going on their was something going on between those two and now i know for sure.

"Why are you acting weird?" I asked.

"Nothing....Much. It's just hasn't told his mom we're dating."

"Two years later and he still hasn't!"

"He hasn't found the right time. That's all. Anyway are you scared about tomorrow. I am but Terrance said that it couldn't be one of us. The probability is like one and three million." She said reassuring herself more than me. "Anyway I have to go go! I love you See you tomorrow?"She walked out.

I grabbed a few more things and went out right behind her. It started pouring. Perfect weather for a perfect day. I walked down the street and came to the door I was looking for. The door read Oswell. I knocked and Foster answered.

“Hey I’m sorry to barging in like this but I was wondering if I could spend the night here. My dad kicked me out and I just need somewhere to stay and-” I blurted out all at once

“Shh” he said and pushed some of my soaking wet hair out of my face. He pulled me inside. I looked around his house it was small one same as ours and everyone else's in District 7 beside's the mayors. It was one story and two bedrooms one bathroom while the kitchen and was connected to a ridiculously small sized living room. Yep the people who built the houses in the District were sure creative.

"Here I'll...uh...make a bed for you in me and my little brothers room." He said awkwardly. "My parents are out visiting friends discussing the Hunger Games." I nodded.

He opened the door to his room only to be tackled by small being and knocked to the ground.

"Simon what are you doing?!" Foster yelled at the little boy. Who immediately got off of Foster when he heard the annoyance in his brother's voice.

"Only practicing my battle moves for the Hunger Games." He replied .Foster's face was immediately horror struck obviously thinking of the death of his brother. While this all played out in front of me i stood awkwardly shifting from foot to foot.

Finally the child broke the silence by walking up to me and proclaiming, "I am Simon Oswell son of Matthew and Marie Oswell,brother to Foster Oswell. I am nine years old.  And you I presume are Anastasia Tanner the amazing (as my brother says) girl that he has lov-" his last words were quickly muffled by Foster hand over his mouth.

"Amazing ...huh?" I said looking at Foster one eyebrow raised.

"Kid's crazy, once said a warthog ate his spoon."Foster said letting go of his brother.

"Anyway  it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Simon," I spoke grinning.

"Like wise." Simon replied grabbing my hand and pulling him into his and Foster's bedroom.

The looked around the room seeing two small beds and two small boxes at the end of each bed so they could store their personal items. While on the floor their was small twigs leaves, and different types of plants. They items were littered around the room. It was an impressive collection.

"This is!" I said brightly bouncing lightly on the soles of my feet while walking around their bedroom trying to memorize every item on the floor. I heard Simon whisper to Foster,

" I like her." Foster grinned at me. Suddenly I heard the door slam and the sound of crying. Foster and Simon exchange nervous glances. They rushed into toward the kitchen, I following them cautiously. Their was a couple sitting at the small table the lady (Simon and Foster's mother I presumed) was sobbing into the mans shoulder while his face was buried into her blond hair (the same color as Simon's) his shoulders were shaking. I quickly decided to leave the family so they could discuss the Hunger Games when I was about to leave I felt Foster's hand grab my wrist and pull me in between him and Simon. I glanced up at him and placed my hand in his. He looked grateful for the comfort, I  smiled reassuringly at him. I quickly placed my other hand in Simon's he quickly returned the gesture. The couple, finally noticing they weren't alone, looked at us. Their mother quickly grabbed her sons and gave them encased them in hug. Their father was looking at me as I walked up to him. His face was weathered and worn,  with wrinkles from were he squinted and smiled. I shook his rough hand and said

"Hello sir i am a...err...friend of Foster's and Simon's. My name's Anastasia Tanner." He smiled at me.

"Aaaaahhh so you're the famous Anastasia. We have heard a lot of things about you thanks to Foster. I am Matthew Oswell" He said happily.

"All good I hope." I smiled. He let out a booming laugh. His wife, finally noticing I was here. She came up to me and instead of shaking my out reached hand pinched my cheeks.

"So your Anastasia. My your a pretty one." She spoke briskly. "I am Marie Oswell, Foster's and Simon's mother which you probably guessed."

"I hope it's not a bother that I am staying here." I said nervously.

"Oh it's no bother at all deary." Marie said smiling.

                         *                 *                    *

That night after quite an argument over were I slept with Foster, which I lost when Marie had joined the fight. I was sleeping on Foster's bed while he had a blanket and pillow on the floor. I had fell asleep only to be woken by constant nightmares of Foster, Simon,or Scarlett lying in pools of blood. When I finally couldn't even think of falling asleep I heard Foster and his parents talking in the kitchen.

"Mother she said she had no where else to go." Foster said softly.

"I know you told me that but i am asking why she didn't go with her sister?" She questioned.

"I assume they don't have the best relationship." Matthew said. I cringed. He was right. We never were close. Most of the time when they talked to each other they arguing.

"Well you should go to bed Foster, tomorrows going to be a long day," Marie said sadly.

"Goodnight Mom and Dad." Foster softly spoke. At his coming footsteps I scurried back into the bed.

"Goodnight Anastasia," Foster whispered getting into his make shift bed on the floor.

"Goodnight Foster," I replied. Preparing myself for a sleepless night.

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