Chapter 2 -- Anastasia Tanner

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                                                              Anastasia Tanner

I climbed onto the roof of the unsuspecting house. I looked into the alley between the carpenter’s house and the house I was perched on. Right then the blaring sound of the wake up bell echoed through the district. I knew I had 20 minutes to get to my own station at the furniture builders house. That’s when I saw him, Foster Oswell. The boy I guess you could say that I like-liked. He had brown hair and brown and green eyes that changed in the light. I brushed my fiery red hair out of my eyes. I smiled to myself. You see I was not spying on Foster, I was merely waiting for him to come to work so I could see him. All of a sudden his head whipped over to where I was hiding. I quickly ducked my head while nearly sliding off of the slippery roof. I peeked my head over the ridge of the rooftop. Sighing to myself as I realized he hadn’t spotted me. Just as I was getting ready to slip off the roof and go to work I heard a voice that came out of nowhere.

“Um…. Why are you on the roof?” I then in returned lost my grip on the shingles and let out a blood curdling shriek! Just when I was sure I was going to go Ker-splat, I felt two strong arms catch me princess style. I looked up into the bright red face of Foster Oswell.

“Um…uh...thanks.” I said blushing profusely.

“Yeah…..umm…..uh…….um…problem.” he replied, blushing an even deeper shade of red, if that was possible. That’s when the high pitched sound of the 5 minute warning bell rung out. We both let out a few curses when we both remembered we had work to get to.

“I guess I…..uh….better……um…work...yeah…uh…work.” I mumbled, my eyes darting over to where his hands still held me.

“Oh...uh….yeah.” he said nervously setting me down gently down on the ground. As I turned to run to work he grabbed my wrist and asked:

“Hey…uh…do you want to meet up here after work and you can tell me why you were on the roof?”

“Yeah that would... be…”I said grinning. I turned and sprinted off to work. It took all my will power not to start skipping and singing. When I reached the house where I built furniture for the capital and got to my station with 1 minute until the work bell rung. My friend Craig Johnson, who worked in the station beside mine, sent me a questioning look. I just sent a bright smile in return. He rolled his eyes. Then the work bell went off making me cringe at the earsplitting volume. As soon as the sound of the bell ended the head of furniture building started walking in between the rows of stations and checking who was here and who wasn’t.

“Cutting it a little close this time aren’t we, Miss Tanner?” he asked. I just shot him my best death glare he chuckled to himself and kept walking. When he was out of hearing distance,

“He’s right you know? You’ve been late 3 times this year and you got whipped twice.” Craig whispered. I glared at him.

“Craig, do you think I like getting whipped, do you think that I like getting humiliated?”I whisper yelled back.

“No but—“

“Save it!”I grabbed my hammer and started making the frame of a couch. I worked the rest of the 2 hours in silence. When it was time to go to school I set down my latest project (a chair) and grabbed my backpack from under my workbench and shoved past Craig. Once I was out of the house I started sprinting to school. Right when I was about to enter the building a nasty voice spoke behind me.

“So I heard you had a little run in with Foster." the nasty vocie belonged to a girl named Agnes.

“And how would you know that?”I replied

“I have my sources.” I rolled my eyes. She snarled at me, like literally snarled at me, like a freaking dog!

“Just say away from him! He’s mine!” She said glaring at me with a wild look in her eyes.


“You heard me!!!! She yelled. Then… she slapped me

“You just made a HUGE mistake!”I said throwing down my backpack. I immediately punched her in the jaw followed by one to her nose, than one sturdy kick to the gut. And that was when the teacher came out. The rest passed by in a blur of the teacher grabbing my ear and lecturing me. But the blur ended when the principal said,

“Well it’s the whipping post.”

“What that’s not fair she started!” I yelled

“You didn't get hurt in any way! “He yelled back

“She hurt my feelings…,” I said with an innocent look on my face “and she slapped me!”

“You kicked her!” I quieted down and in my most innocent voice I said:“Please sir, it won’t happen again.”

His expression softened. In my head laughing. He was actually falling for it.

“Oh all right,” he said “go to class” I nodded and left. 

                   *                   *              *

When I arrived back at work I quickly went over to my station and proudly told Craig

“I slapped and kicked some stupid girl. She thought she had a chance! Tisk! Tisk! Tisk!” I laughed. He stared at me wide eyed, mouth open.

“Just thought you should know that.” He rolled his eyes and that was it of our bitter argument that we had. When the bell signaled was over I sprinted over to where I was going to meet Foster.

“BOO!!!!” Foster yelled jumping from the roof. I screamed. While he laughed hysterically I stuck my tongue out.

“Jerk!” I whispered under my breath, but he didn’t hear because he was still laughing. When he finally calmed down he said

“Thanks for coming.”

“You’re welcome. You should be lucky I am gracing you with my present,” he rolled his eyes “Especially after the whole Agnes thing.”

"You heard about that?”

"Yeah everyone did."

“Do I have no privacy? Everyone just knows everyone’s business!” I groaned. He laughed at my little speech.

“Anyway I heard you creamed her.”

“You heard correctly my brown haired friend.” I said while giving him a grin. I gave him a few demonstrations of my amazing fighting skills. We ended up sitting in the grass laughing and talking.

Then I heard the mayor’s loud voice echoing through the speakers that usually announces the town meetings, whippings, and other public events. We sprinted to the square. We got there faster than you can say,

“Anastasia is awesome!”


Hi! Readers of Wattpad Thanks for reading this far we both really appreciate it!!!

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