Chapter 8 -- Anastasia Tanner

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                                                               Anastasia Tanner

The peacekeepers shoved us toward the justice building so we could have a few minutes to say goodbye to our loved ones. I scowled as one of the peacekeeper, who hit me with his gun signalling me to move faster.

"Watch it," I snapped at the peacekeeper and was about to turn around and give him a nice good ol' slap on the face when I felt a calloused hand wrapped itself around my wrist. I looked up at the person an insult on my lips only for my mind to go blank when I realized it was Foster. He was on his way to the room that he would say good bye to his parents and brother.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He smiled and turned. I looked back and I saw him wink before he entered his room. The peacekeeper pushed me again into the room.

" Don't touch me!" I screamed through gritted teeth. He stopped. He started walking out but just before he closed the door, I kicked  his butt. He flew through the door into a heap on the floor. I quickly shut the door.

"Anastasia Tanner!.......Scarlett Tanner......Foster Oswell!" The president had called. The three names circled my scattered brain. Everyone  I held dear was now being taken away from me. Why me,....or Scarlett,......or Foster? What had we done to deserve this! The odds had been ever in our favor, but I guess it was in everyone else's more. My mother came bursting through the door only moments later. She embraced me tight. I could barley breathe but it actually felt...good. For a brief second I felt safe. Which was funny because I realized I could never feel safe again. She sat there sobbing. I had to fight to not do the same.

" Mom......Please......Look at me......," She tilted her head. "Mom we'll be fine Scarlett and I are both strong we will be able to handle whatever they throw at us. Plus with Terrance and Foster we will be even better. I promise."

" Promise to come back to me?"

" I promise." but as I said this I realized I wasn't saying this to her but more to Scarlett, Foster, and Terrance. I was 16 and just now she was remembering she had,oh yeah, a second daughter. I had always been the invisible one. I was a burden. But not to my "close family". Even though I had just met Simon, and Foster and I had just started...something, and Terrance, Scarlett and I weren't very close, I loved them all. Especially more than my horrid parents. I would protect them. No matter what. My mother  was saying something about how she was sorry and then she pulled on a long silver chain out from under her shirt, it was a simple coin with 7's crest on it. The small trinket triggered the memory me of myself playing with it when I was a baby.

"I want you have it. You are the most important thing in my life. I love you so much! Be strong, my beautiful daughter!"

She said putting into my hand she then leaned forward her arms out to embrace me when I pushed her away.

"What are you talking about!? You never ever pay attention to me! You always pampered Scarlett! Always! But me! No not me! I was ignored! Ever since I beat up the mayor's son you have acted like I don't exist! I-"

"Time to go Mrs. Tanner." A peacekeeper said gruffly as he motioned for my astonished mother to leave. Good reddens. My mother was ushered out of the room. Then someone came in that I wasn't expecting.

"Mrs. Oswell, what are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to wish you a good luck and to ask you a very important question." She sat down on the green and brown stripped couch. She had been crying.

" Please take care of my son. I don't know how much you ever loved him. But I need my baby to come home. Both of you must live. You need him and he needs you. More than you know. If you die it won't matter if he comes back from these dreaded  Games. I know it's a lot to ask but Please!"

Her eyes were filled with pleading tears. I was already planning to help Foster but now I was determined too.

"I swear on my life that your son and I will make it out." She suddenly hugged me. I knew then that we had to win. I mean I was already planning to win. But I just been thinking of myself and my family. But I hadn't thought about our parents and siblings. Foster had his parents and Simon, Terrance's parents and many siblings, and my parents. They all would be devastated if none of us returned. It was all for 1 and 1 for all. We HAD to win. We WERE going to win. I hoped.







LOVE YA All!!!!


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