Chapter 6 -- Anastasia Tanner

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                                                                 Anastasia Tanner

I squinted my eyes into light escaping from a window beside my be. Wait! Their isn't a window by my bed. My eyes darted around the room taking in my surroundings and the body sleeping on the floor beside the bed I was laying on. I quickly grabbed the closest thing next to me, a pillow and tackled the body that was on the ground yelling a fierce battle cry. Then immediately i slamed my pillow at the persons head.

"Wha-" The person said trying to turn around from where he was laying on his stomach.When the person finally did manage to turn himself over I saw his face and it all washed over me. The Hunger Games, The Reaping, The chance that one of us could die.

"Oh..err...sorry....I've...just been...on edge lately I guess and didn't know it was you," I said stumbling over the words trying to find an excuse for hitting him with a pillow when he could've been sleeping.

"Oh it's OK," he said smirking. I got off of him quickly and leaned down to get a change of clothes for the reaping when.... WHAM! My head swiveled to where Foster was standing behind me trying to hide the pillow behind himself. I grinned evilly and quickly grabbed the other pillow and the pillow war started. I hit him in face with the pillow, while he hit my arm and so on. Foster than slammed the pillow on my stomach so I fell over in the bed that I had just slept in kicking Foster in the process so landed on top of me.

"Oof, you way a ton," I muttered.

"Well you're not very comfortable," he retorted. I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry for the inconvenience of you landing on top off me and smashing me like a bug and that making you uncomfortable,"

"You're forgiven," he said his face inches away from mine. A look of uncertainty came over his face then determination and he slowly moved his face toward I quickly finished the distance between us kissing him.

"Finally," I heard someone behind us said. Foster fell off of the bed in surprise. Glaring at his little brother who was standing at the edge of the bed.

"I mean we were all taking bets mom guessed the moment they said the reaping was over. While dad said the moment it begun in the square. I said in the morning at our house. And guess who won? Me!" Simon proclaimed proudly. We just stared at him blankly.

"You mean to say you, mom, and dad were taking bets on our relationship?!" Foster questioned him, frowning.

"Yep," Simon said leaving the room. I followed him. Foster followed closely behind me. I smelled mint when I walked into the kitchen. His mother smiled at us weakly and gave us some small bowls of oatmeal and peppermint tea.

"I won the bet mum," Simon said. She nodded worry written all over her face.

"Thank you for the breakfast Marie," I said trying to smile failing utterly.

"Yes thank you mom," Foster agreed. What followed was silence as we finished our breakfast. When I was done I quickly excused myself to get ready for the reaping. Getting out the light green dress that use to be my mothers.I left my long hair down. I walked into their living room were everyone else was waiting for the horn to announce the five minute warning bell for us to leave for the Reaping. We only had to wait two minutes. Until we left the house in a silent procession.

                                           *              *              *

When we arrived I saw President Evergreen himself announcing what would come next.

"Welcome one and all to the first District 7 reaping! First we will draw the two girls than the two boys. When we will call them, they will come up and stand beside me to await further information. And without further adieu the first lucky lady is..." I grabbed Simon and Foster's hands. "Anastasia Tanner!"

I froze.

"Come on up here, Anastasia."

I took a two steps back and turned around away from the podium were the president was.


I start sprinting away from President Evergreen. Pushing my way through the crowd. When I finally made my way to the back of the crowd. I felt a peacekeeper tackle me to the ground. I struggled from under the man. He quickly grabbed my arms and pulled me up facing him.

I screamed spitting in his eyes.He growled letting go of me. I started sprinting only to be got at gun point with a peacekeeper behind the gun.

"Go up to the podium now," The man growled. I nodded turning around and walking toward the president. I felt the man shove the gun between my shoulder blades shoving me forward. The crowd let us through like me and the peacekeeper were moses and they were the red sea. I saw Craig looking at me worry etched across his face.

"It will be alright," I said smiling weakly at him.He nodded.When I reached the podium chin up looking at President Evergreen defiantly.

"Go to Hell!" I said calmly. The president just smiled at me anger in his eyes. I smirked. I stood beside him looking out into the crowd. My eyes connected with Foster's and my sister's. I smiled at them brightly pretending like I wasn't about to die.

"Now our second lucky lady at being a tribute..." He said. I scoffed. "is....

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