Lost Memories

419 13 10

Silver POV

"...You did what...?" I furrowed my brows in confusion, my memories?

"I. Erased. Your. Memories." Giovanni said slowly, mocking me.

"That, that can't be true, that doesn't make any sense." I ran my fingers through my hair, " How is that possible?"

"Oh, I'm glad you asked! I've been eager to show off... In fact I've waited 7 years to show off!"

Giovanni walked over to his desk, I stumbled to my feet, I didn't know what he was doing, but I don't trust him.

I watched as he slid open a drawer and watched as he held something up, I instinctively flinched. When I looked back I saw that it was only a pokeball.

"Do you remember Silver,  When you were young, I took a very special trip to the Sinnoh Region?" Her strode around to the front of the desk tossing his pokeball from one hand to another. " Well, when I did, I can across a Pokemon with... Interesting... Abilities."

I narrowed my eyes, and looked over at (y/n), She seemed to be unconscious, she had a small wound on her head and her arm seemed to be bent unnaturally. I wasn't sure what he was going to do so I prepared myself.

My eyes darted back to Giovanni. He was looking at me dead in the eyes and I felt a shiver go down my spine, in the years before I knew (y/n) I found out what he was capable of doing to a person.

"That Pokemon was Uxie.  A Pokemon with the rare ability of erasing memories. I wasn't sure of its capabilities, and when I came back to find my son, gone soft. I was appalled and angered. So, you became my first test subject."

My eyes widened and I clutched at my hair. I was his test subject... My eyes darted to (y/n) again What did I forget..?

"She..." The girl.... Of course! That girl from those flashes of my child hood! Those were her! She was the little girl! Of course! How could I have been so blind! That's why she was heart broken when I didn't recognize her! 

"But it appears that Uxie's powers weren't enough to keep your memories under lock and key." Giovanni smirked and lifted his hand in the air. My body rose due to the physic Pokemons power. I felt my body start to lose strength... I watched as Giovanni let out Uxie. It seemed scared and sad. It probably didn't want to hurt anyone. This must be the end then... Of course... What's more fitting for a villain... I struggled to move my head and look at (y/n) for what could be the last time, I faintly smiled. Giovanni spoke once more" So, I'll just have to get rid of your memories again. And you will be my mindless puppet once more."

Uxie slowly drifted towards me, and a faint glow surrounded it. I closed my eyes, smiling.

As darkness swirled around my eyelids, I saw a little girl. And a tree. She was talking to me.
"Silver? Can you promise me something?"

"Sure, "  This was a memory, maybe Uxie wanted to give me some peace while I still have my own mind.

"I have a bad feeling, that maybe after tonight something will change... Something not good."  Something did change (y/n). And I wish it didn't, I wish I could stay here with you forever. Here in a memory.

"Well? Don't keep me waiting! I wanna know what I'm promising!"

"Promise me, that even if you start to hate me, even if you leave forever. That some part of your heart will still love me, and if you find me in the future... You won't forget, and you'll be my friend anyways."

"Oh, I don't think you have to worry about that, (y/n)! I could never hate you!"

"I don't care if that's what you think! I want you to promise ok! Pinkie promise!"

"Oh fine! Pinky promise!"

"Thanks Silver! Hey, I'll see you tomorrow!" The memory (y/n) kissed memory me on the cheek before giggling and running off.

No... No please... Don't leave...please.



Eyyyyyy so, Rasu is the chosen name for mah raven boi, now the things I need u to vote on are the special chapters to celebrate the end of the book:

Q/A( I'll post on my profile page and in this book an area for submitting questions)

Draw Readers OC's(original characters)


Other (u gotta specify) ( and I can refuse if it's weird...)

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