A cute Smile

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Your POV

"Ahhhhhh your so cute!!!" I squealed and held Quilava tight in a hug. I nuzzled the cute Pokemon cheek with my own.

I looked over at Silver to see him petting Croconaw on the head. Croconaw was smiling up happily at him, blushing slightly. Silver was looking at the Pokemon with a smile and a look of love.

A look of love...

A look...

Oh my gosh, Silver showed emotions!!!!

I giggled in delight at him, though he hadn't noticed my stares yet.

Quilava nuzzled my cheek in hopes that my cuddling had not come to an end. I cuddled it more and squealed
" AHHHHHHHH I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU EVOLVED!!!!!" Quilava happily returned my love by purring and speaking " Quilava Quil!!"

I kissed it cheek and continued to cuddle, looking over at Silver seeing him staring at me, blushing slightly when he saw me notice him staring.

" What? You want a Kiss too?" I joked squeezing Quilava again.

"What!! N-never!!" He looked away from his ears red from embarrassment.

I giggled again. Setting Quilava down and petting it on the head while it purred in delight.

Silver's POV

"Why do you love it so much?" I spoke, I sat on a bench next to (y/n) continuing to pet Croconaw.

I felt genuinely confused.

" Huh?" She stared at me wondering what I meant.

" Quilava... Why do you love it so much?" I looked over at her.

" Um... Well, it cares about me, I care about it, Pokemon is a part of me." She looked up at the sky " ever since I can remember Pokemon have been kind to me when no one else was." I watched her look down again whispering to herself.  " Except you" I just barely herd her.

"Huh? What did you say?" Did I hear her right?

"N-nothing!!" She visibly tensed up " just talking to myself is all!"

"Um... Okay then... I guess" I looked back down at Croconaw. ' when I first met her she did say that she knew me... But that was just because I looked like someone....'

" So do you wanna book it out of this town?" I looked at her after a while.

"Sure thing!" Her face brightened and she smiled.

A cute smile.

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