Who gave her permission?

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Btw sorry if u despise Cyndaquil, they are my favorite and I honestly didn't want to have to write out (opp ur starter) and (starter of choice) Everytime
Hope u understand,

-.•°•° 7 years later °•°•.-

A girl was walking through her home town with purpose, today was an important day, a day she had waited for for a long time.

Even though the wind had a chill to it, the (h/c) girl seemed to walk about with a skip in her step, nothing could dishearten her today.

Choosing a first Pokemon was important, and she had been counting down the days since she was 5!

Of course, the whole ordeal was nothing to be taken lightly, a lot of thought is put into choosing a first Pokemon. But she already knew what she wanted her partner Pokemon to be.

She made up her mind seven years ago.

And she didn't forget, that or anything else.

She remembered Silver, and their promise.

And how he left her.

A quick shake of the head, and she pushed away those thoughts. Today wasn't about him it was about her future, and she couldn't let the bad vibes ruin it.

As she neared the lab, it felt as if her feet were floating. But touching the cold metal of the doorknob quickly grounded her, and she walked in, spirits high.

Something had slipped her attention, though. Around the side of the building, a red head was peering through the window.

Silvers p.o.v.

It had been hours since I had taken my spot at the window, somehow none of the scientists had noticed me. Honestly my legs were starting to cramp from sitting here so long. But this was important.

I had to wait for the perfect moment to break in and steal one of those Pokemon. Unfortunately, that meant waiting. A lot.

Then, a (h/c) girl rushed in, bouncing on her heels, probably about to spontaneously combust with excitement. Not that I could blame her. This stuff was a big deal.

But when I took a better look at her face my head felt like it cracked open, burning pain split across my forehead.

I sat, stunned, for a minute, although the pain was over as soon as it began. But I quickly snapped out of it and continued to look into the lab.

Who was that girl? And who gave her permission to make my head split in half when I look at her?

Honestly, she looked familiar. But I don't have the best memory, lots of pieces of my childhood were lost to time as I grew up. Maybe I had just seen her pass by when walking through goldenrod city.

Anyways, this girl, she walks up to the professor and they talked for a bit, thank God when I'm stealing Pokemon I don't have to sit through this part. He led her up to a machine where the three starters were. When she is choosing a Pokemon though, she doesn't even pause to think. She grabs the pokeball with Cyndaquil in it.

And whoop die doo they are back to talking


The girl had left about an hour or two ago, and the professor had gone to get a cup of coffee with his co-worker upstairs. The other scientist had gone home early.

I slid open the window cautiously, granted it might have been easier to sneak in at night, but honestly, any longer and I wasn't sure my legs could ever hold me up again.

I slipped through the opening quietly as possible, the whirring of machines was loud enough to mask most of my sounds, but I wasn't taking any chances.

I was hyper aware of my boots tapping against the ground as I walked through the room, as I neared the machine I started to hear voices coming down the stairs. Shit, they came back faster than I expected. It was now or never though, so I grabbed Totodiles pokeball and prepared to run. I grabbed Totodile on instinct and it felt... Right.

I turned to the window, no it would take too long to get though it again, dammit the doors my only shot.
I turned around to the exit and made a a run for it. The sudden moment caught the eye of the professor and his colleague walking down the stairs. " Who- wait THE POKEBALL!!!" In a flash he was stumbling after me through the lab.

I scambled through the door and out into town. The wind was blowing against my face, but I pressed on and eventually I turned to the side of the path and hid in the trees.

After making sure no one was on my tail, I slipped back onto the path and walked along the path into the next town over.

Your P.O.V.

To be honest, every time I daydreamed about what it would be like after I got my first Pokemon partner, I always imagined that we would have an instant bond and never any hesitation.
I knew in the back of my head that wasn't terribly realistic, but I thought that maybe the second we locked eyes we would share the same soul.

But yeah, the back of my head clearly figured it out, because Cyndaquil was being very cautious of me. Keeping at least two feet of distance at all times.

I really wanted to just scoop them up in my arms and cuddle them, but I shouldn't test my boundaries if I want to make an unshakable bond.

So I'm just sitting by the fountain talking to Cyndaquil. It's not much but I can tell the more I interact with it, the more it seems to trust me.

I stood up and stretched, I should probably heal Cyndaquil and the few other friends I had caught up till now.

After waiting for a minute in the lobby, I got my Pokemon back and walked outside.

Then I caught a glimpse of bright red turn around a corner. Barely anyone died their hair such a bright color and fewer were born with it. It had been years since I had last seen hair like that.

My heart swelled at the idea that maybe it was who I really missed, but it couldn't be... Could it?

My feet started moving before I was even thinking about it and suddenly I was looking at his back.



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