Battle Time!!

637 19 12

Silver's POV

I woke up and yawned, looking over at (y/n)'s bed. It was empty, I couldn't hear anything in the hotel room.

" Where the heck is she..."

I got up out of bed and slipped on my boots, I had forgotten to change last night so my clothes were all wrinkled.

I got out of the hotel room and rubbed my eyes, sigh... (Y/n) was right... The sun is a deadly laser.

I walked outside to a nearby park, looking for (y/n).

I walked along slowly. Still thinking about the girl in my memories. It really made me feel bad, not remembering her. I don't know why... It shouldn't really matter, should it? I mean she's probably forgotten about me...

As I was walking along a path lined with benches, I saw a figure on one of them.

It was (y/n).

She was asleep.

On a bench.

The little idiot.

" Oi! OI! (Y/N) !"

" Ngghh go... Cyndaquil...!"

Oh my gosh, she is such a dork battling in her sleep.

I kicked her.

I dunno why, it felt like it was the only way. Or maybe I just really wanted to kick something.

Well anyway, she woke up.

" Oh my gosh, I fell asleep!!" She sat up straight not noticing me.

" Wait for Silver?" She looked at me. All of the sudden it looked like a light bulb lit up in her head.

She jumped up in front of me.
" Battle me!!" She shouted picking a Pokeball.

" What?" I asked confused. She was sleeping on a bench, and the first big thought she has is " battle Silver" like what the heck??

" You know, battle Pokemon it's who-"

" I know what a Pokemon battle is, I just want to know why you want to battle." I looked at her.

" Oh um... I wanted to?" It sounded more like a question than a statement.

" Ok then," I pulled out Totodiles Pokeball. " Just don't cry when you lose!"

3rd POV
The battle was incredibly one-sided. (Y/n) was clearly trying not to win. And Silver was absolutely destroying her. Until he stopped suddenly. (Y/n) was on her last Pokemon.

" Why aren't you trying?" He calmly asked her.

(Y/n) stiffened. " H-huh?"

" I'm not blind (Y/n)" he let his Pokemon return and put the Pokeball on his belt.

And walked away.

Silver's POV

(Y/n) ran up to me and grabbed my wrist " w-wait I didn't-"

"Yes, you did! Do you think I'm an idiot?? Do you think I'm blind??"  I yelled at her face. "Why!? Why didn't you give it you're all? Am I not worth the effort?? Am I just a piece of trash to you??" I screamed. I wrenched my hand away from her and walked towards the exit of town.

I glanced behind me to find (y/n) on her knees her hands over her eyes.

She was sobbing. I could tell by how her shoulders were moving.

Guilt washed through me. I left her. I betrayed her.

I... I made her cry...

I felt coldness wash over me

" Whatever"

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